The months in the song are my favorite seasons.
A beautiful song and lyrics. 他们的歌都喜欢。给移花拜年了!新春快乐,万事如意!~~
Voice of the century, 有没有觉得某些人越老越帅了? Garfunkel年轻时在我看远够不上帅哥
有那个气质就是不一样。人的那股韧劲儿,拼劲儿,啥时都是很动人的,更何况他 ~~
Mr. Fluffy
觉得可恶疫情的一个副作用是让我们(在网上)看到了一些”名人“可亲的平常样子,和一些深藏(在美术馆里)的艺术珍品 ;)
He's still singing :) so nice! I went to his solo concert
once about 20 years ago. He was 60+ already back then.
He started singing at the age of 5
2010 he lost his voice, major set back after S&G reunite
then the lengthy recovery,slowly bring him back singing very
softly. as we can hear
He still has a nice voice.
When he was young, his voice was really angelic.
Paul's lyrics are so beautiful! Love their songs!
I see. That must have happened a few years after the concert
Actually they were on the tour 2010, he had 2 cancel it
You might be the lucky one to see his last performance
Maybe :) He sang Bridge Over the Troubled Water
One of my favorite songs
2024-02-09 06:19:38好听的歌。除夕快乐,平安喜乐~~