APAD: Crime is the price we pay for freedom
Crime is the price we pay for freedom. I saw this line while watching political contents. It strikes a chord with me. It must be derived from "Taxes are the price we pay for civilization"
Here is the reasoning:
In a free country, it’s impossible to prevent a mad lunatic from getting a knife and stabbing people on a train, you might prevent some lunatics but you can’t prevent them all. The best you can hope for is that rescue comes fast enough before anything serious occurs. People die at the hands of villains, because freedom is applied to everyone, the law-abiding and the criminals, the peace-lovers and loonies, the innocent and the guilty. That’s the price we pay for being able to go out without fear of government intervention, for having the law protect our privacy and property from the government eaves-dropping, for being innocent till proven guilty. That’s the price of freedom.
The price of freedom is the possibility of crime, and if you’re unwilling to pay that price, then, don’t expect to live in a free country.
North Korea is probably a country of the lowest crime rate under the firm grab of the government,
and the United States has, by far, the highest homicide rate of the G7 countries.
But do you think the people there would rather be safe–or free? For the most part, everyone prefers freedom. Because freedom is worth the price, even if that price is paid in the blood of innocent people.
2025-02-10 04:39:58Agreed. Freedom is never free! People die2get & die2keep it