Loop in single linked list

来源: 外-国人 2009-05-15 07:55:51 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (316 bytes)
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Wow, 几天不见,这里正热闹,看来还是Progromers比Mathematician多。怪不得康MM被气得离家出走了。:)
Any language is ok.

(An interview question)
Given a single linked list with n items.
Find an O(n) algorithm to detect any loops.


这题很经典 -endofsuburbia- 给 endofsuburbia 发送悄悄话 endofsuburbia 的博客首页 (32 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 09:26:24

2X追就可了。。。 -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 12:51:13

没错。设置两个pointers,一个追另一个。追上为有Loop。 -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/15/2009 postreply 14:46:34

回复:没错。设置两个pointers,一个追另一个。追上为有Loop。 -外-国人- 给 外-国人 发送悄悄话 (16 bytes) () 05/17/2009 postreply 11:03:27

a similar but harder problem -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (122 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 09:43:31

sum mod n -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 09:52:57

I asked a similar question in an interview. -乱弹- 给 乱弹 发送悄悄话 乱弹 的博客首页 (162 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 10:01:54

you are definitely right... I need to fix it :) -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 10:48:03

fix of the problem -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (160 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 10:51:26

algorithmic complexity requirement? -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (103 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 19:19:21

can be done in linear time... -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (150 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 19:42:41

it takes a bit more than that -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (438 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 19:55:29

hmm,这个有意思:) -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/18/2009 postreply 21:12:19

回复:it takes a bit more than that -utopian- 给 utopian 发送悄悄话 (51 bytes) () 05/20/2009 postreply 17:23:11

hashing needs linear memory as well. we want constant memory her -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2009 postreply 17:28:12

Pay attention to some key numbers. -乱弹- 给 乱弹 发送悄悄话 乱弹 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2009 postreply 19:24:24

觉得在哪里见过这个题目 -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (19 bytes) () 05/21/2009 postreply 07:24:10

I don't think so. -乱弹- 给 乱弹 发送悄悄话 乱弹 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2009 postreply 09:52:29

这题目是IMB 2004 一月的一个puzzle:) -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (79 bytes) () 05/21/2009 postreply 12:22:12

Yes, right! thanks! -haha2000- 给 haha2000 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/22/2009 postreply 11:05:23

solution -dynamic- 给 dynamic 发送悄悄话 (572 bytes) () 05/20/2009 postreply 21:41:18

hmmm,佩服. "形状像一个勺子", haha... -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2009 postreply 12:25:03

这个题目曾是微软的面试题目。但是没有了数组'read only'的条件, -戏雨飞鹰- 给 戏雨飞鹰 发送悄悄话 戏雨飞鹰 的博客首页 (75 bytes) () 05/21/2009 postreply 13:12:13



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