think about set A and -A(not A)
-A(not A)是除了A以外的整个世界,宇宙。所以是相对于宇宙的。
A=B,they are not two sets...No definion,no right
A=B,they are semantically not two sets, but symbolically two set
The universe is not a set, and neither is ~A
you know how paradox takes place?
悖论 paradox: 由 所有集x不属于集x 的集x组成集y。问集y属不属于集y?
Set Y always not belong to Y.Do you know power of a
that is not paradox:the power of subsets of a set always stronge
you're smart,but can't make sence of my statement.
2010-07-24 07:29:50是的,互补是两个子集相对于其母集的概念。