下一步医生多半会告诉你是 IBD (inflammatory bowel diesease), 然后会上激素药
2023-11-02 19:31:28
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prednisolone, 这样猫会止吐,胃口会好,but with harsh side effects. 建议 change diet first and see if it helps. If not, and you must use steroid, use prednisolone (NOT prednisone). Prednisone is for dogs. Prednisolone is little less harsh for cats. Try not to overuse it. And once the symptom is under control, see if you can gradually wean your cat off prednisolone.
2023-11-02 19:40:40密切观察吧. 如果药物效果不明显或者出现其它问题,尽早复查,不要等2周.