《今晚辩论帖》川拜三歌,3 songs by Ap/花姐/刀郎/AI
今晚很重要,两老头旗鼓相当,对中间选民如俺还是有些看头的。 感谢北美“湖北国“的花似鹿葱(花姐)写的好有趣的歌词,为北美“湖南国”的总统大选添砖加戏。
1. 川普之歌1
2. 川普之歌2
3. 川拜之歌 (DJ at 80)
(Ap 词,AI 唱)
I came from Queens,want to get the second term,
Could you help me make America great again.
Oh, Joesph, could your old ears hear me?
I want to talk non-stop, till you step off the stage.
Come on bai-be
You Ha~ha!
I came from Scranton, want to kick your butt,
I am older than you, Donald please shut up.
I know a lot more than you thought,
Oh, voter?s, please vote for me.
Or you may lose jobs or work for free.
Come on gua-gua
Yea, Wa-wa!
2024-06-27 11:55:001 队,妖姐刀队: