这歌《See you Again》 与她的电影《Fast and Furious》有体育精神在,所以献唱。
1. 速度:
今天荷兰队赢得混合男女400m接力 , 最后一棒的长腿美女,Bol 波尔, 在最后十米左右,突然加速,超越美国的布朗与另一位选手,夺得冠军,见link.
2. 激情:
男子足球,是最大的(看)球,虽然不是世界杯级别的,奥运会的队员更年青和激情(推拉踢一个不少),虽然法国的第二个进球被判了犯规,但最终1:0 胜出而进入半决赛;而美国队被非洲最强的摩洛哥红军送回家。美国女足胜日本进四强赛。
3. 速度与激情:
连续四届冠军的九金女郎,美国的Hedecky, 不负众望获得800米冠军,是美国女队里历来得金最多的女运动员。
4. 速度,激情与艺术:
2020年东京奥运会上Simons Biles 因为身体与精神出状况而退出全能比赛,被不少人质疑。
夺得金牌后,Simons于社交网站上公开回应前总统川普, 她发文形容自己热爱“黑人工作”(Black jobs)。Trump上周提出这个,非移夺走“黑工”的说法,令外界质疑他语带歧视,暗指非裔普遍从事技能要求不高、而且待遇偏低的工种。但后来他说,黑工为一般的工。
本届巴黎奥运会上,在脚受伤情况下,Simons 还取得本届三枚金牌的好成绩(美国金牌的1/4),加上以她命名的艺术动作,当今的体操女王,实至名归也。
《See You Again》
"See You Again"
It's been a long day
without you my friend,
And I'll tell you all about
it when I see you again.
We've come a long way
from where we began,
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I
see you again, when I see you again.
Why'd you have to leave so soon? yeah,
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to leave me,
when I needed you the most?
'Cause I don't really know how to
tell ya that I'm feeling much worse,
I know you're in a better place
but it's always going to hurt,
Carry on,
Give me all the strength
I need to carry on.
It's been a long day
without you my friend,
And I'll tell you all about
it when I see you again
We've come a long way
from where we began,
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I
see you again, when I see you again.
How do I breathe without you?
feeling so cold,
I'll be waiting right here for
ya till the day you're home.
Carry on,
Give me all the strength
I need to carry on.
So let the light guide your way, yeah,
Hold every memory as you go,
And every road you take will
always lead you home, home
It's been a long day
without you my friend,
And I'll tell you all about
it when I see you again
We've come a long way
from where we began,
Oh I'll tell you all about it when I
see you again, when I see you again.
See you again,
When I see you again.
历史上,在巴黎打工的小邓卖一件外套去买足球票,见证(见识)历史 (100 years ago),我们要感谢法国。下图来自网络:
2024-08-03 17:37:16BLACK-JOBS意思是合法移民入美工作机会大都不需要高历而与民族无关。反川 媒体为攻击川普搞篡改而已。