I don't think you should have concerns, you like the
Large yard property just buy it and close the escrow.
However, if you don't like the house, and want to cancel the deal, you should do nothing and let the time pass. 最坏的情况是你损失你的deposit. You and the seller are still under contract, without your signature to cancel the contract, the escrow will not release your deposit to seller, and also the seller can't sell to others, (maybe foerever if you are not cancel). 一般这种情况下,卖方比买方更着急,都会退还定金。
更坏的情况,上了法庭,如果判你必须买这房子,also just let the time pass, you still under contract. 二十年后,房子大大增值,你你的合同价still the same. You even can also put a lien on the house to give the seller more pressure.
作为卖家,我遇到过几次买家反悔,我都是签字退钱,move on. 不确定性是投资者的大忌。
If you just like to ask 几千元的补偿或降价,我觉得你还是应该close the deal. 贪图小钱也是投资者的大忌。Thinking carefully before you sign the contract, but following the contract after you sign.
2023-02-24 07:32:43若合同上有不按时closing,按天罚款呢?会不会让自己越陷越深?