某网友质疑我发的R的问题,我开始觉得有道理,仔细一想不对头,给我做过纠音diagnosis的两个accent reduction specialists都没有提出我的辅音R的问题。于是让native speaker听了听这个网友录的worry,他说听不出来两个worry有什么区别,倒是worry前面的wo发成挖是错的。所以我就对R做了点研究,
转自:American English Pronunciation podcast. 这个podcast比较thorough,有点学术,听着容易睡着,下面是transcript。 文中引用的A Course in Phonetics是语言学专业学习语音学的经典课本,很薄的一本书,但是是我上学时候买的最贵的一本书。作者Peter Ladefoged曾帮助电影My Fair Lady做语音顾问,他在UCLA语言学系退休,个子很高,语音学界泰斗,2006年去世了。 为了大家看得方便,我简单说一下我的理解:60%的美国人是卷舌发R的,35%的是用的不卷舌,而抬高舌中部,舌尖is down。重要的一点:发R的方法不止一种,而且美国人是听不出来区别的。所以不必纠结你的R是卷舌发的,还是抬高舌中发得。有时间练练其他音或练练口语写作,is time better spent.
Yes, there is more than one way to create an r sound.
The more commonly taught method is to curl the tip of the tongue upward, toward the back of the tooth ridge. With this technique, the back of the tongue kept low. In his book, A Course in Phonetics, Peter Ladefoged says that 60% of Americans use this technique.
A secondary technique that Americans use involves lifting the center tongue, especially along the sides. The sides of the tongue press against the top teeth toward the back of the mouth. The tip of the tongue is down, away from the bottom teeth. Ladefoged says that only about 35% of Americans use this technique.
I am going to guess that it's because fewer Americans use the bunched-tongue technique that few American teachers instruct their students to try it this way. However, this technique really seems easier for non-native speakers to learn to do. Sounds that we can feel the production of are often easier to learn, and I think the fact that we clearly feel the sides of our tongue press against our top back teeth makes this technique easier.
In February 2010, Dr. Wells wrote about the bunched tongue position for the r sound in his blog. He adds the detail that the back of the tongue is concave. This means that the center of the tongue, though raised, is still lower than the sides. This is an important detail that I wish Ladefoged had included in his text, but I don't see it there.
The important point is that Dr. Wells agrees that there are at least two ways of creating the sound, and we can't hear the difference between them.
So, you can create the r sound, including the r sound attached to r-controlled vowels, by curling the tip of your tongue up and back, or by lifting the center of your tongue and allowing the sides of your tongue to curl upward and touch your top back teeth.
Rose用肉丝来代替不是因为舌位不对,而是因为lips没有round造成的,千儿的这个音频:如何把Radio发得更浪漫一些,专门给讲解过,一语道破:http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/luyingzhinan/107039.html 你用发肉丝的舌形不变,然后把lips round了之后,就是个标准的rose了。
2012-02-06 10:55:34Thanks for sharing,文青!