【菜鸟中的菜鸟】大妈级林粉看NBA学英语 (一)
菜鸟中的菜鸟,大妈级林粉看NBA学英语 (一)
(那个啥的,NBA大拿或看NBA的大拿,请一律 自行漂过...... 您的时间,大妈俺伤不起~嘿嘿~)
总之俺大妈一个,也被激昂了,也想还有口气使的时 候,勇敢往NBA,其实往NBA观众席里,扎个猛子,凑个热闹。有木有人给俺科普一下下NBA? 俺在荧光屏前热泪盈眶地真诚呐喊。 老 公开始耐心的慢慢辅导,“这个NBA篮球呢,每场两个 队,但是注意哈,他们都抢一个球,”停顿~~~等着俺吸收. “Mom, make sure you throw the ball into the basket of the opponent team” 儿子在一边认真的插话道。挖靠,你老妈是篮球文盲,不是篮球白痴呀。拉倒吧, 老娘我自己动手,丰衣足食 1) 先 解毒ESPN 上小林的数据,白花花的数据和缩 写,您懂吗?俺惭愧,俺不懂,但是谷哥懂,咱一个个问问哥。 (*Note: 看见拉磨的工钱了吧, 忒少了点吧. 当然如果俺有这工资,哪怕一半,俺也满地打滚得乐了~) GP: Games played 比赛场数 MPG: minutes per game 出场分钟 FGM-FGA: Field goals made - Field goals attempts 投中的球次数-尝试的次数 FG%: field goals%,投篮命中率 3PM-3PA:3-point made – 3-point attempts 投中的3分球次数-尝试的次数 3P%:3 point % 三分球命中率 FTM-FTA: Free throws made - Free throws attempts 罚中次数-尝试的次数 FT% Free Throw 罚球命中率 RPG: Rebounds per game 每场篮板 APG: Assists Per Game 每场助攻 BLKPG: Blocked shots per game 每场盖火锅儿 STLPG:Steals per Game 每场抢断 PFPG:Personal fouls per game 每场犯规 TOPG: Turnovers per Game 每场失误 PPG: Points per game 每场得分 OPP: Opponent 对手 FG%: Field goals percentage 命中率 3P%: 3-point percentage 3分球命中率 FT Free throws 罚球 REB: Rebounds 篮板 AST: Assists 助攻 BLK: Blocked shots 阻攻,盖火锅儿 STL: Steals 抢断 PF: Personal Fouls 犯规 TO: Turnovers 失误 PTS: Points Scored 得分
2) 好 了, 俺来实战一下 小林屠杀Dallas小牛,去年NBA冠军队的个人数据之解毒: 日期:2/19号星期天,对手(OPP)DAL,比赛分数(Score)104-97,赢了嘿嘿 (w) 小林上场分钟(MIN)46,11中-20投(FGM-FGA),投中率55%(FG%), 3分球三中-6投(3PM-3PA),3分球投中率50%(3P%), 蓝板(REB)4个,助功(AST)14个, 火锅盖帽(BLK)1个,拦截(STL)7个, 犯规(PF)0次,失误(TO)5次, 各人得分(PTS)28 瞧大妈这回门清的,大妈要骄傲,必须滴 ~~~ 3) 小林屠杀Dallas小牛Highlights, enjoy please 4) NBA 的队伍和Knicks的排行问题 Western Conference NBA西区队: Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队 LA Clippers 洛杉矶快艇队 LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队 Phoenix Suns 凤凰城太阳队 Portland Trailblazers (简称Blazers) 波特兰拓荒者队 Sacramento Kings 沙加缅度国王队 Oklahoma City Thunder 俄克拉荷马雷霆队 (old team: Seattle Supersonics (简称Sonics) 西雅图超音速队) Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队 Denver Nuggets 丹佛金砖队 Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队 Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达木狼队 San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼马刺队 Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队 Memphis Grizzlies 孟菲斯灰熊 New Orleans Hornets 新奥尔良黄蜂队 Wanna figure out where Knicks is standing in Eastern Conference? Check the PCT in the table.PCT is generally an abbreviation for "percent" or "percentage". The higher the PCT, the better the performance. Miami has the highest PCT .794, winning almost 80% games. No wonder knicks got totally suffocated by Heat last Thursday. You can easily tell that other strong teams following Miami are Chicago, Indiana and Orlando. After Knicks made to 18-18 with a win over Cleveland on Wednesday, it is back to.500 again. So far Knicks ranks #7 shoulder to shoulder with Boson out of 15 Eastern teams. Next knicks game is against Boston on this coming sunday. That will be an interesting game to watch...
2012-03-02 06:30:01Sha fa