来源: Marauders 于 2014-02-23 11:28:48
Sidney Cro*****y
冬奥电影:Downhill Racer 高山速降滑雪
来源: 京燕花园 于 2014-02-21 11:15:10
冰上运动 ice sports
冰球运动 ice hockey
冰球场 rink
冰球 puck; rubber
冰鞋 ice skates
冰球运动 ice hockey
北美冰球联赛 NHL(=National Hockey League)
冰球运动员 ice hockey player
冰球队 sextet
守门员 goalkeeper;goaltender
锋线 line
前锋 forward
中锋 center forward
边锋 wingman;winger
后卫 defender;defenseman;blueliner
场上队长 captain on the ice;playing captain
裁判员 referee
监门员 goal judge[referee;umpire]
边线裁判员 linesman
处罚计时员 penalty timekeeper
局 period
控球权 possession of the puck
失去控球权 lose control[possession]of the puck
开[争]球 face-off
中区争球 center face-off
重新争球 reface the puck
在比赛停止的地点争球 last play face-off
裁判员掷球 drop the puck
换人 change players
抱人 holding
扑倒绊人 clipping
用膝顶人 kneeing
踢人 kicking
踢射 kick shot
危险动作 dangerous play
干扰无球队员 interference
非法冲撞 charging
背后撞人 charging from behind
头撞 head-butting
举杆过肩 high-sticking;high sticks
投扔球杆 throw a stick
杆柄杵人 butt-ending
杆刃戳人 spearing
用杆打人 slashing
用杆钩人 hooking
受罚 serve penalty[time]
受罚队员 penalized player
受罚时间 penalty time
违反纪律的处罚 misconduct penalty
取消比赛资格的处罚 match penalty
队小罚 bench minor(penalty)
小罚 minor(penalty)
大罚 major(penalty);time
两分钟小罚 two-minute penalty
5分钟大罚 five-minute penalty
1O分钟处罚 ten-minute penalty
罚任意球 penalty shot
离场处罚 time penalty
判罚离开球场 rule off the ice
离场 leave the ice
判给攻方得一分(因守方犯规) awarded goal
判给非犯规队一分(因对方投扔球杆) penalty goal
越位 offside
蓝线越位 blue-line offside
红线越位 red-line offside
有意造成的越位 intentional offside
非越位 onside
死球 icing
取消死球 wave off
暂缓判罚;缓吹 delayed penalty;slow whistle
继续比赛(边线裁判员手势,表示不判) wash out
球杆折断 broken stick
球门移动 move the goal
射中无效 goal not allowed;wash out
滑行 glide;slide;slip
倒滑;后退滑行 backward skatinq
快速起跑 fast starting
侧[横向]起跑 side start
全力滑跑 power skating
长滑步 long stride
大步滑行 full stride
侧[横]滑 side[horizontal]slide
蹬冰腿 drive leg
压步 crossoverl
急转弯 sharp turn
压步转弯 cutting
倒滑压步 back crossover
压步倒滑练习 cutting capers
急停 dead stop
前脚急停 front foot stop
后脚急停 rear foot stop
单脚急停 one skate stop
单脚向后急停 one-foot backward stop
脚内侧急停 stop with inside foot
双脚急停 two-foot stop
双脚向后急停 two-foot backward stop
倒滑急停 backstop
急停后起滑 stop and go
急停后转身速滑 return stride
控球能力;杆上功夫 puck-stickhandling;stickwork
用力的手(握杆时在下方) power hand
击传;点拨传球 slap pass
平传 flat pass
推传 push pass
横传 cross[line]pass
扫传 sweep pass
劲传 hard pass
弹传 snap pass
挑传 flip pass
高挑传球 clear[airborne;lift]pass
挑传过人 flip through
外围传球 perimeter pass
回传 return pass
斜线回传 back diagonal pass
撞墙传球 fence[board]pass
板墙反弹球 rebound
墙角击球练习 corner drill
冰刀反弹 skate deflection
前后拨球 forward-backward dribble
左右拨球 lateral[side-to-side]dribble
延缓传球 delayed pass
留球 drop pass
穿过对方后卫传球 through pass
越区传球 cross pass
传到攻区 rush
传球越位 offside pass
供球 set up;feed
轻[软]触 soft touch
传球路线 passing pattern
接球 receive
缓冲(接球时) give
停住球 trap the puck
运球 advance[propel]the puck;dribble;carry
运球者 puck-carrier
身体掩护运球 protective dribble
拖延时间的运球 rag
拉杆过人运球 quick wide dribble
阻截 check
阻截队员 checker
臀部阻截 hip check
身体阻截[贴挤] body check
肩部阻截 shoulder check
球杆阻截 stick check
杵人阻截 poke check
钩球阻截 hook check
挑杆阻截 stick lift check
扫钩阻截 sweep check
戳球阻截;捅掉 poke-check
鱼跃戳球阻截 diving poke check
在攻区内阻截 offensive check
回守区阻截 back-check
挤住对方(使之失去控球权) tie up an opponent
板墙挤贴 board checking;boarding
将球挤至界墙 freeze the puck
板墙角抢球 dig in the corner
压杆 brace the stick
挡住 block out
滑倒挡球 sliding
双腿滑挡 double-leg slide
断球 intercept the puck
射门 shoot;shot
抖腕射 wrist shot
劲射 hard[power]shot
击射 slap shot
大力击射 batting shot
快射 fast[speedy;snap]shot
弹射 reflection shot
挑射 flip shot
急转身射门 quick turn shot
近[门前快]射 close-up shot
高球射门 flying shot
腾空球射门 raised shot
滑射 slide shot
掩护射门 screen shot
假射门 fake shot
门外球 off target shot
垫[补]射 tip shot
射门路线 shooting lane
射门三角形 shooting triangle
射门有利地区 slot
不可能射门的角度 impossible angle
多球射门练习 rapid fire shooting drill
守门技术 goaltending
封角 cut down the shooting angle
封锁射门 block a shot
双脚滑挡 double-leg slide save
半劈叉跪挡 half-split save
全劈叉跪挡 full-split save
踢挡救球 kick save
球杆挡球 stick save
冰刀挡球 skate save
摔倒压球 fall on puck
跳起扑身停球 flop
用手接空中球 catch
手握球 hold the puck
解围 clear
滑出球门区抢球 come out
低姿势的守门员 low-crouch goaltender
蝴蝶式 butterfly style
球杆侧 stick side
手套侧 glove side
撤换守门员(换上一般队员以增强进攻力量) pull the goalkeeper
突破 breakaway;break into an opening
迅速突破夺球 jump the puck
轮番进攻 rolling offense
流线型进攻法(球直接打入攻区) streamline hockey
一打一 one-on-one
二打二 two-on-two
三打二 three-on-two
三前锋组 trio
向前切入 cut forward
将球打出守区 breakout play
方形阵式 box formation
争球阵式 face-off alignment
控球拖延比赛 freeze;stall
拖延战术 stalling tactics
筑人墙固守战术 kitty-bar-thedoor tactics
在本方守区内钉人 cover up
紧逼 shadow
以多打少 outman;power play
以少打多 play shonhanded;kill a penalty
以少打多的战术 penalty killing
以少打多的队员(减员时上场的主力) penalty killer
越位战术 offside tactics[trap]
掩护 convoy
迂回 swing
迂回接近 circling approach
蓝线[进攻区]技术 blueline technique
进入对方蓝线的后卫 point man
等候在中区的偷袭队员 floater
在门前距端墙最近的队员 deep man
身体假动作 body feint
以假动作诱骗对方离位 fake(out);deke
空当 open ice
进入对方空当的队员 open man
无人区 no man’s land
对抗性练习 face hymn drill
非冰上训练 off-ice training
冰球场 ice hockey rink
冰球门 cage;goal
球门网 goal net
球门区 goal crease
球门支架 framework
中区 center ice;center[neutral]znoe
中圈 center-ice circle
中区开球点 center face-off spot
端区 end zone
争球圈 face-off circle
争球圈限制线 face-off line
端区争球圈 end circle
端区争球点 end(zone)face-off spot
分区线 zone line
红线 red line
蓝线 blue line
蓝线争球点 zone line face-off spot
攻区 attacking[offensive]zone
守区 defending[defensive]zone
罚球限制线 penalty shot(restraining)line
界[板]墙 boards;fence;wall
端线界墙 end boards
边线界墙;侧挡板 side boards
界墙角 curved corner
队员席 players’seat[bench]
受罚席 penalty bench[box];box;chink;cooler;pen
准备活动区 ice box
裁判区 referee’s crease[zone]
冰球刀鞋 hockey skate
冰球 puck;disk;rubber;disc
硬橡胶冰球 ebonite;hard[vulcanized]rubber
冰球杆 ice hockey stick
守门员球杆 goalkeeper’s stick
杆柄 stick handle
杆刃 blade
角度(由杆刃和杆柄形成) lie
拍子跟 heel
拍子尖 toe
面罩 face mask
抓球手套 catcher;catching glove
手臂挡板(守门员用) stopper
挡球手套 stick hand mitt
护肩 shoulder pad
护腿 thigh-protector;gaiters;leg guard;shinguard
护臀[髋] hip pad
2014-02-23 21:47:33Okay, now I know that "冰球" is not "Ice Ball" :)