里拉, 你的这个attracted to 令我感慨万分。
2010-06-10 13:00:13
( reads)
我想到我年轻时, 我的诗友。 他天天对我说‘i am attracted to her'。 我第一次听到时, 还在纳闷, 不知是他吸引她, 还是她吸引他。后来听他天天叨咕, 我也好像懂了。
毕业后想找他, 但没找到。记得有一次我和他谈到算术。 我说fraction我懂,但我对irrational number怎么定义不清楚。 他说他的老师在讲什么 dedekind cut, 可能对我理解有好处。 我就跟他去了。 可是i did not understand a thing in the class. then he and i ended up passing a piece of paper back and forth about one woman and one man (kind of dirty jokes about them). i may tell you later what we wrote on the paper (that is the only thing i remembered from my school days).
2010-06-10 13:17:59诗友 -->室友