I came to U.S.A in the end of 2005, I worked in a research lab and the first three years I spoke a little bit English (Boss is native speaker, all the other were Chinese). Then I changed to current lab, from boss to colleague even whole floor of building are Chinese. These two years I just speak a few sentence everyday with my son's teacher, in the morning when I send my son to daycare I say 'Good morning'. Every afternoon when I pick him up and I say 'have a good night'.
Then I forced myself come to this forum, check VOA and watch the TV with my son everyday, I put the 文曲星 on my hand when I watch TV (cartoon shows for kids). I learned a lot from all kinds of these sources. 5 years past in the U.S.A , my listening become much better (still not good, i need focused on and I just got it and could not use it when I am in the same situation) . My speaking is very bad and I even stucked when i want to say 'Dust pan, draw a picture' simple like that. My son become 4 years old now, I leaned some native expression from him too, like: this is my spot'.
But these two years I could give the professional presentation to hundreds of audience and we communicate to each other well without misunderstanding. But when we sit together chatter something else, I still missed a lot, especially when they made a joke, I really could not get it.
Most people here are excellent and awesome, I am impressed. I learn a lot from everyone.
Oh, I lost my point! I think what I want to say is: Everyone learn English from different ways which useful for themselves in their life. They think that is important or make them feel better. This is a wonderful thing happened in our life, right?
I like everyone’s story and input! it let me learn from different aspects of English, different aspects how to learn English.
Welcome to correct my writing!