It's a long "talk"~ 35 pages with 1.5 line spaced on my Word! :)
2011-03-06 19:26:53
( reads)
Thank you for sharing such a long but profound article! I admire his insights very much and will print this paper out for digging more valuables later.
To put it bluntly, I have no courage ,nor the faith in myself, but merely the passion. The passion drives my ears open to catch the difference when I'm speaking English and listening to others; the passion steer my eyes opent to capture the difference from those outstanding nurses. Hamming's right, " I became very interested in the difference between those who do and those who might have done. "
I don't believe in "luck" either :)
Just started reading the first part of this master piece, I'll read through this article sometime later. Thanks again!