
英文学者写作时应用的方法 (Writing Strategies - Use the Writing Process)

shared 2011-04-28 20:02:30 ( reads)

Link: http://websitesnsoftware.blogspot.com/

1. Prewriting
Get ideas down on paper:
- Brainstorm
- Freewrite
- Draw a picture
- Talk
- Group Ideas
- Outline

2. Drafting
Choose the kind of writing you’ll do. Write a first draft.
- Letters
- Personal narrative
- How-to
- Comparison and Contrast paragraph
- Report

3. Revising
Make your writing clearer and better
- Add details
- Choose a better word
- Try peer conferencing- talk about your writing with a friend

4. Proofreading
Look for and fix mistakes in:
- Grammar
- Punctuation
- Verb tenses
- Spelling

5. Publishing
- Make your work final and share it with someone or the world
