

EnLearner 2011-10-29 21:32:33 ( reads)

今天看到另一条关于 use and usage 的区别的,觉得不错,和你分享。


Usage is a guide on how to use something properly; use means “one or more instances of using something,” or “function.” Thus the use of a semicolon is to separate clauses, while its usage is the list of rules on exactly how it has to be used. Someone who knows the use of a word understands how it fits in a sentence; someone who knows the usage has studied the grammatical rules, semantic relations, and appropriate mechanics. Each time you use something, that's one use (the noun), not one usage. Unless you're talking about grammar, you usually mean use rather than usage: don't use the longer word just because it sounds more impressive. [Revised 14 July 2000]

Utilize and Utilization.

Use is almost always better, whether pronounced yooz as a verb or yoos as a noun. Don't longwordify what would otherwise be clear.



2011-10-29 22:07:46

hehe, 谢谢愚教授,先别高兴太早,出题辛苦还是做题辛苦,还未可知, muaaaaaaa


2011-10-29 22:23:55

Be mercy for the sake of holiday seasons :-)


2011-10-29 22:30:04

给你一个砖头,have mercy... haha.


2011-10-29 22:43:32

Have mercy!