Our Hero
Columns of stormy smoke start a concert for our hero Big mountains listen in from all around, in full attention A thunderous sky strikes its golden drum The great ocean surges up to join the chorus Our hero rose up to chase off the wild beasts and sacrificed his life for the love of peace Ever wonder why our flag is so picture perfect? Because it’s in the color of our hero’s blood Ever wonder why the spring is always bright? Because our fallen hero has become flowers. --- Out of the battle trenches jumped our hero like lightning that halved the sky, halving the sky A single body stopped the earth from sinking A bare hand held up the falling sky Fierce fire flamed up from under his feet A beautiful rainbow highlighted his frame Ever wonder why our flag is so picture perfect? Because it's in the color of our hero’s blood Ever wonder why the spring is always bright? Because our fallen hero fall has become flowers. --- His heroic uproar sounded off the cannons ocean and rivers reversed, earth and heaven shattered With a hand torpedo firmly in grasp Hot blood and fire flamed out of his tiger's eyes As enemies collapsed into decay and dirt Our glorious hero has become a star of gold Ever wonder why our flag is so picture perfect? Because it’s in the color our hero’s blood Ever wonder why the spring is always bright? Because our fallen hero has become flowers. 英雄赞歌 烽烟滚滚唱英雄 四面青山侧耳听,侧耳听 青天响雷敲金鼓 大海扬波作和声 人民战士驱虎豹 舍生忘死保和平 为什么战旗美如画 英雄的鲜血染红了她 为什么大地春常在 英雄的生命开鲜花 ------- 英雄猛跳出战壕 一道电光裂长空,裂长空 地陷进去独身挡 天塌下来只手擎 两脚熊熊趟烈火 浑身闪闪披彩虹 为什么战旗美如画 英雄的鲜血染红了她 为什么大地春常在 英雄的生命开鲜花 --- 一声呼叫炮声隆 倒海翻江天地崩,天地崩 双手紧握爆破筒 怒目喷火热血涌 敌人腐烂变泥土 勇士辉煌化金星 为什么战旗美如画 雄的鲜血染红了她 为什么大地春常在 英雄的生命开鲜花
2012-03-04 13:20:29
( reads)
来源: 3rdPenny
2012-03-06 00:36:13不简单。 折腾了一下第一段 :))