朋友开taxi停车上客被罚款,按照taxi Rules 167-2 (见下面),应该还是可以停的。请那位英语好的朋友,写几句严厉的话,责问他们,就说:这样乱开罚单,严重践踏了法律的尊严,给无无辜的,努力勤劳工作的 司机,带来了严重精神困扰,也破坏了司机家庭的和谐,使司机的老婆处于被老公出气毒打的恐惧之中,使司机的两个幼女也被迫生活在压抑的家庭氛围之中,使路 上的行人也处于危险之中。主说,每人都有免于恐惧的自由,这张无理的罚单,给社会带来了无尽的恐惧与危险,必須立即撒消,并给予司机合理的精神补偿。否则 将会把这种丑陋的行径,知会媒体,并且保留釆取法律行动的权利。总之要写得理直气壮,极其严厉
Here is how I would say this:
Imposing reckless and irresponsible fines on taxi drivers undermines the integrity of the laws, harasses and burdens the innocent and hard working drivers, disrupts the lives and harmonies of the families, subjects the wives of those families to the verbal and physical abuses. The two young daughters of the driver are also subjected to the depressing atomsphere. Pedestrains may be endangered. The constitution of the United States guarantees that every man has the right to be free of fear. This is a unresonable fine and it brings fear and danger to the society and should be rescinded. The driver should be properly compenstated. Otherwise this kind of dispicable behavior will be exposed to the media. We reserve the rights to take further legal actions.
However, I warn you not to say anything like this. This is childish. You will likely not be able to say a word if you go to the court to settle. If you want a trial and you say this to the judge, you'll just bring yourself more trouble. I am loosely translating this just for amusement. But seriously, this is really silly.
2012-10-24 10:15:01well done, DN! let me expand a little on the possible consequen