2024-02-16 15:07:37
( reads)
四月中旬,松花江开始解冻,人们聚集在岸边,观看大块的冰块在墨绿色的江水中破裂、漂流。 十几岁的男孩手里拿着篮子,在浮冰上踩来跳去,捡起被春季洪流冲下的冰块杀死的梭子鱼、白鲑鱼、鲤鱼、小鲟鱼和鲶鱼。 仍在码头上的汽船一次又一次地鸣响喇叭。
In mid-April, when the Songhua River started melting, people gathered on the bank to watch large ice blocks that were breaking and drifting on the dark green water. Teen boys carried baskets, leaping and bounding on the floating ice, picking up the barracuda,sipoo,carp, sturgeon, and catfish that were killed by the ice blocks that were flushed from the spring torrents. The steamships on the pier honked the horns again and again as well.
2024-02-16 15:45:28棒!leaping and bounding 用得好,学习了~