周五, 在这美好的夜晚,别人都在看电视,亦或快活,俺却在电脑前用功,两眼泪花花. 终于明白了,原来给别人找事就是给自己找事,搬起的石头,就是要砸到什么人的脚,既然周围空空如也,也只有低头看看自己的脚,唉,而窗外,一轮满月高挂。
说到满月, 现在来谈谈美职两谭第一小资美女菜菜的文 - 月满,别人说满月,她却偏要说月满,"满"一个形容词转动词的妙用,体现出人心情的涨落如月之赢亏,这不是小资,谁是小资?
菜菜的文以清丽著称. 擅长于平素日常的细微琐碎中,将人生感悟,心思愁絮,点点丝丝抽出,打动人心 让一个男同学去品一个女生的小心情,小格调是很难滴. Women are puzzles, aren’t they? 可以看出self同学作了大量功课, 在翻译中,尊重原文, 翻的很有韵味,用了很多地道好词, 体现了原文的精神格调, 很不容易, 鼓掌.
Once, I was up all night in my hotel room. In my dreamy eyes, the silhouettes of trees grabbed the curtains. Trying to fall asleep was like trying to seize the ghostly shadow on the ceiling. The harder I tried, the farther it eluded me.
I succumbed completely after a long futile struggle with my insomnia.
Lilac: 开篇翻得很漂亮
1.Self: ”Decidedly I got up, curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea, betting on a midnight movie to carry me through.”
Sentence structure: verb, verb and verb.
So “betting on …” is not good
Lilac: Decidedly I got up, curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea, and flipped through movies cds.
2. Self: ”The rising scent of mint perforated the cool night air, spread out a sprinkle of warmth around me.”
perforate: 打孔, 不太恰当
Lilac: Then the special mint scent curled up gently and permeated (弥漫)slowly into the cool midnight air. I was wrapped in its warmth and freshness.
3. It was pathetic that, subconsciously, I always tried to find some comics to laugh at, even with a somber movie.
comics: 漫画
I depise myself: I despise myself for even trying to find inappropriate comic elements from a serious literary film (文艺片)
4. It was at that moment, I fell in love with Hong Kong, that tiny island suffused with commercialism. Because I felt one of them, I was one of them, harmoniously.
功利心 – utilitarianism, commercialism不错,但utilitarianism更靠近原文
Lilac: ...because I felt I was one of them, like a drop in a bucket, so natural and comfortable.
5.“I was like that too, loving, not loving, enjoying, not enjoying, being together, not being together.”
We love, we hate, we enjoy, we suffer, we meet and we depart.
Some grammar issues:
Waking up the next morning, that white shirt was still on me, ruffled.
waking up的主语是人, 不是衬衣
I had thought about bleaching it, but I was afraid that the fabric may be too fragile, (要加上 “AND I” ) had also wondered embroidering a pattern to cover it up. Eventually, I let it go. In the end, it’s only a shirt.
Some words and diction:
pop entertainment – Hong Kong Showbiz
He has gone missing – has been missing
a mid-age Hong Kong guy – middle aged
毫不显山露水 – “flaunting” sounds better than “dazzling”
textile -纺织品,, 用 texture 手感, 质感, 质地
stranger city – strange city
insentiently – can’t find this word. You can use “occasionally”
那个啥,说的多,费劲还得罪人,self同学是熟人,俺就这一次,换个人俺还不敢得罪的说, 您别介意~~~
2010-05-29 07:34:06我的亲娘!我服了~~