虎妈,MIT,哈佛,MD/PHD,NYU research assistant professor:人生难得一面镜子

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MD/PHD, 虎妈,MIT,哈佛,NYU research assistant professor:人生难得一面镜子




Official Story

Kenway graduated with undergraduate degrees in chemical engineering and molecular biology from MIT. He entered the MD-PhD program at Harvard Medical School, completing his PhD in biology at MIT using multi-electrode recording techniques to study memory reactivation during sleep. After receiving his MD from Harvard, he completed postdoctoral work with Paul Glimcher at the Center for Neural Science at NYU, studying value coding in animal and human decision circuits. He became a Research Assistant Professor at CNS in 2012, where his work focuses on the neurophysiological, computational, and behavioral aspects of contextual value coding and decision making. He holds a joint appointment at the NYU Langone Neuroscience Institute, where he currently serves as the Computational Core Director for the BRAIN Initiative Oxytocin U19 and Study Director for the ASTOP clinical trial on neural activity changes after interventional treatment for PTSD.

Unofficial Story

Kenway was born in NYC, one of a pair of fraternal twins to parents who had fled China in the 1950s. He grew up as one of the few Asian students in Long Island suburbs, where he and his brother both excelled academically but struggled to socially adjust. This struggle was not entirely helped by skipping several grades along the way, motivated by tiger mom parenting (before the term was coined), parental distrust of public schools, and an immigrant cultural emphasis on academic and professional success. Both Kenway and his brother graduated at 15 years old and enrolled at MIT. Undergraduate life at MIT was a shock in many ways: cool kids were smarter than expected, smart kids were cooler than expected, and students like him and his brother were a dime a dozen. Kenway always imagined being a mathematician or physicist, but freshman physics quickly disabused him of that notion. Saved by freshman pass/fail, he settled on a course of biology and pre-med (to satisfy his medicine-minded mom) and chemical engineering (for his civil engineer dad), but was drawn to scientific research, working his way through research positions in x-ray crystallography (tedious) to cell biology (informative) to cell cycle proteins and oncogenetics (productive). These research experiences - along with a continuing indecisiveness about medicine versus science - led him to applying to MD-PhD programs, where he turned down MSTP funding at other schools to attend Harvard Medical School as an unofficial, unfunded MD-PhD student. Unprepared for the totality of med school, Kenway survived his first two years of classes and returned to MIT for his PhD, switching from molecular biology to systems level neuroscience and the then-nascent technology of multi-electrode recording in awake behaving rodents. Grad school was an awakening of sorts, where he discovered the joys of a variety of pursuits both academic (neural coding, computation, neural networks) and non-academic (travel, motorcycles, rock climbing). Spurred on by the prescient words of a postdoc (“You’ll graduate six months to the day you realize you are DONE with grad school”), he graduated and returned to med school, where he survived clinical rotations largely on people skills hard-earned through lab interactions rather than distant medical knowledge. To his surprise, he gravitated away from his presumed medical disciplines (psychiatry, neurology, neuroradiology) and towards surgical fields like neurosurgery - the urgency and immediate results of operations was a welcome contrast to the drawn out process of scientific research and grad school. This set up an agonizing choice at the end of medical school between neurosurgical residency and postdocs, with academic research winning in the end due to lifestyle, intellectual freedom, and a deep-seated interest in neuroscience. Kenway arrived at NYU in 2004 for a postdoctoral fellowship with Paul Glimcher, driven by a desire to examine neural circuits, cognition, and behavior in the NHP. His most cited work from that time on relative value coding and divisive normalization - which forms the basis of much of the theoretical and behavioral work he currently pursues - was initially viewed by many, including himself, as a simple test-case rotation project for a graduate student. Despite well-cited publications, grant funding, and multiple application cycles, he has yet to secure a tenure-track appointment, leading him to transition into a research faculty position. This kind of position offers both benefits (PI status for grants, mentorship opportunities with graduate students and postdocs, ability to focus on independent lines of work) and costs (lack of job security, ambiguous status in the scientific community, lower pay). Driven by a COVID hiatus, his work has shifted away from experimental neurophysiology to computational and behavioral approaches, which has opened up collaboration opportunities with scientists both within and outside of NYU. He still holds out hope for a transition to a more permanent position, focused on computational approaches to cognition and behavior, but in the meantime enjoys the time that academic research has afforded him with his young family (twins!) in the Northern Westchester suburbs.



不少t5学生就是寻寻觅觅,去过太多别人去不了的地方,往往又不愿意安定,不断在追求诗和远方 -米汤- 给 米汤 发送悄悄话 米汤 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:38:31

他放弃了本来可以做一个医生的安定和荣誉 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (286 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:43:49

他是起了个大早赶了个晚集 -Joe2013- 给 Joe2013 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:47:33

这个可不平凡,相信他想要tenure track肯定可以的,但就被各种琐事羁绊,不能自由研究了 -成功的乌龟- 给 成功的乌龟 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:58:15

transcend the ordinary ... -oryzivore- 给 oryzivore 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:01:58

这类往往是追求精神满足多于物质享受,外人难以体会 -米汤- 给 米汤 发送悄悄话 米汤 的博客首页 (126 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:59:00

把一生的功夫都用在功课上,而忽略了社会中生存竞争的更加丰富的知识源。 -updateonline- 给 updateonline 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:57:09

太过分解读了 -凊荷- 给 凊荷 发送悄悄话 凊荷 的博客首页 (238 bytes) () 04/30/2024 postreply 02:06:00

我觉得他做得挺好的。tenure 也有可能。我学弟IXO也是research professor。挺好的。 -oryzivore- 给 oryzivore 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:51:09

现在小中社交媒体看多了,身上早有了对亚裔虎妈狼爸的antidote,一般不会重复他的故事。 -oryzivore- 给 oryzivore 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:53:28

他什么都试过了,最终选择了自己的真爱。 -小松松- 给 小松松 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 21:57:35

neurosurgery不是很難進嘛 他隨便就進了然後放棄了? -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (200 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:03:13

当初他是主动放弃了住院医match,一转眼现在估计50+岁了 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (49 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:05:42

本来就是一平凡人嘛 -四娃兔妈- 给 四娃兔妈 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:15:11

这是事实 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (78 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:18:06

也可能父母也不愿意谈钱,但早点让他有家庭和后代,可能会让这类肩担责任而转变?有些选择读博士后来收获了爱情,父母总算放了心 -米汤- 给 米汤 发送悄悄话 米汤 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:16:09

也许他会读书,但是好像缺乏street smartness,而且表达能力弱,能解释他虽然pedigree好,但最后博士后 -windyLL- 给 windyLL 发送悄悄话 (87 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:12:13

他并不知道自己的长处和短处,更没有扬长避短 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (110 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:16:02

我倒是觉得他本来就能力有限,只是从小听话被推上去了,积攒了一堆T5,最后出来混还是靠自己的能力,很正常。 -windyLL- 给 windyLL 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:18:43

有道理 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:27:27

可以了。有工作有娃,大部分人不管啥学校都是这样的人生。 -mom2023- 给 mom2023 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:17:31

MD/PhD的PhD讀了7年 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (186 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:17:37

他只有靠学术大奖翻身了,诺贝尔啥的 -yzhl888- 给 yzhl888 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:23:57

不可能,他的方向性太差 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (30 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:27:08

真成了千年农博了 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (241 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:25:56

7年很正常吧 -成功的乌龟- 给 成功的乌龟 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:53:44

phd7nian+4年md,一共11年 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (22 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:55:44

就是定位不好,我也担心老大类似问题,当然老大远没有他的能力,如果定位差也可能更无所适从。 -yzhl888- 给 yzhl888 发送悄悄话 (111 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:22:14

是要注意 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (33 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:29:20

MD/PhD 讀完之後就4篇一作 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (104 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:30:40

说明研究方向有问题 -wzg69- 给 wzg69 发送悄悄话 wzg69 的博客首页 (178 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:36:04

有时宁可切豆腐不要拼刺刀 -米汤- 给 米汤 发送悄悄话 米汤 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:42:58

这样的研究拿PhD都属于在照顾之列 -Joe2013- 给 Joe2013 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:50:46

讀PhD 7年就一篇一作 -violinpiano- 给 violinpiano 发送悄悄话 (51 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 23:02:11

你们要求也太高了,这个水平T5教职不可能,其他学校还是可能的 -成功的乌龟- 给 成功的乌龟 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/29/2024 postreply 22:56:42

LOL -凊荷- 给 凊荷 发送悄悄话 凊荷 的博客首页 (30 bytes) () 04/30/2024 postreply 01:38:29

This guy should realize that he doesn't have it. -borisg- 给 borisg 发送悄悄话 borisg 的博客首页 (72 bytes) () 04/30/2024 postreply 03:47:31



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