文章来源: 林贝卡2007-10-05 23:18:27


记得是八月的一天,谦谦在我贴的歌曲《Bressanone》后面留言,她说:“贝卡, 特意来告诉你, 我开始小说创作了... 谢谢。赞图, 赞乐。”我就答道:“That is great. 现在就去拜读你的小说。”



当我读到《不能讲的故事 (小说 一) 星光序幕》这一段时:"站在那树旁, 她忧伤的眼睛和它们默默对望, 分担着彼此的孤零. " 忍不住流泪了。。。。。。







想起了暑假带孩子们看的一部感人的儿童片, 片名为Open Season,我喜欢电影里的插曲: I belong. 歌中唱到:This is where I belong. There is where I chose to stay on. I belong to my home.

电影讲的是Beth, 大熊Boog,小鹿Elliot 和一群动物的故事。“A grizzly bear named Boog, domesticated by a park ranger, Beth, helps deer friend Elliot escape from the mullet-sporting hunter, Shaw.

When the Elliot decides to return the favor to help Boog escape from Beth he finds that Boog is very happy with his domesticated home.

After a misunderstanding, Beth is convinced that Boog is reverting to his wild nature and releases him in the woods just as hunting season begins. Boog has no idea how to survive outside of his garage home with his beloved Beth.

Elliott and Boog develop a strong bond not only between themselves but also with the wild animals and attempt to drive the hunters out of the forest.”

当Beth把大熊送回森林时,那份不舍,让人感动;后来,Beth又回到了森林去看望大熊,准备把大熊再接回家时,大熊虽然想回去,但是它最终还是选择了留在森林,森林是它的归属, 是它的家。

孩子们,妈妈为你们祝福,为你们祈祷: 愿你们健康快乐幸福地长大,就象歌中唱到的:

Let the children have a world
Where there is no pain and sorrow
Where the people can be free
Where they all can join together
And their hearts will share a dream

My kids, mommy will always be  there for you no matter what. Home, sweet home, will always belong to you. Mommy love you all forever. 


上面的文字基本上是在谦谦博客里的留言,感谢谦谦的小说给我的共鸣,感谢谦谦的鼓励。谦谦对我说:“贝卡, 动人的回忆, 几乎你在我这里分享的故事, 我一直都鼓励你写出来. 真的。”谢谢你,谦谦。

请点击阅读:《晨思》 作者:尔尔

请点击阅读:《不能讲的故事》 作者: 虔谦)

(请点击阅读:《给林贝卡姐妹》 作者:苗青青)

请点击阅读:《小松鼠 , 别过街 ......》 作者:虔谦

请点击阅读:《秋天的思念:二哥》 撰文:林贝卡

请点击阅读:《通向希望和梦想之地》 作者:苗青青

Please click to enjoy the song: Let The Children Have A World  

  (Please click to enjoy the song: 《Green Green Grass Of Home》)