文章来源: 林贝卡2008-03-22 05:04:34




也想起了优雅迷人,善解人意,诗情画意的BlackOrchid小妹了。不知她一切可好?有一段时间不见她了,想必在为学业忙碌,问候小妹春安。Your wonderful posts always pop into my mind. Thank you, my little sis.

我喜欢自然,喜欢花卉,喜欢大海蓝天,喜欢白云绿草。喜欢和孩子们躺在草地上,什么都不想,静静地感受着大地。孩子们呆不了多久,就跑开了。一会儿就过来了,给我一朵朵花。"Mommy, those flowers are for you."said my kids.  "Thank you so much, my lovely kids. Mommy really appreciated it. " I told them. 我把花带回家里,浇上水,插在花瓶里。看着这些花儿,就如看到我的纯真可爱的孩子们。

春天一到,我的先生也在家里的菜园里忙开了, 和孩子们在菜园里种下各种各样的素菜种子和菜苗,还有我最喜欢的辣椒。He has a green thumb. 他在家里的春夏,我们菜园里的菜多的都吃不完,我就送给邻居朋友和孩子们的老师。他出国的两个春夏,我和孩子们都不知道如何打理菜园。Wow, the grasses grew faster than we can handle. I finally realized that it was not easy to take care of a garden. 最让我感动是,先生在出国期间,在那艰苦纷乱的环境里,在那有限的上网和打电话的时间里,常常惦记着我和孩子们。在我和孩子们的生日里,他从遥远的异国为我们寄来了鲜花和礼物。感谢上帝,他平安的回来了。

Speaking of garden, it reminds me of an English article《Perennials》written by Jackie Shelton。Jackie loves flowers. She loves to plant flowes, too.  She wrote in her article:“My addiction to flowers started right after I left home for college. I discovered that gardening was a great way to relieve the stress of going to school while working full-time. It rejuvenated me. I'd feel like a new woman, ready to take on the world.”

One day, she met John. They became friends. But John told her directly that he did not want to get married. They remained friends for three years. When Spring became, they planted flowers in the garden together. On the fourth Spring, they got married. Jackie said: "My love affair with flowers is a tender one. But the difference between flowers and people is that people can choose to be annuals or perennials. Sometimes when I am working in the garden, I look across at John, and I have no doubt that the two of us will keep growing together, year after year. We are perennials. "(
Please click to enjoy: Perennials )

两天前,在《美语世界》论坛读到宋德利写的一篇论述花卉的文章,写得真好。(请点击欣赏:细说花卉 作者:美语世界 宋德利卉)

宋德利行云流水,对兰花的喜欢跃然纸上。尤其写到他村里懂绘画的先生,和教他如何画花卉的,真是形象生动,精彩独特。我没有想到,画和字竟然能如此有机的结合在一起,先生对宋德利说:“画兰花,说形象一点,就好比把“义” 中间这一点变成一条线从交叉点通过。”而“画梅的口诀是“无女”不成梅,就是说画梅一定要让枝条弯曲交叉成“女”字状。”画竹的口诀则是“个字起,介字破”。真是受益匪浅,打开眼界。

请点击欣赏:陈逸飞油画) (请点击欣赏:李自健母女系列油画)


林贝卡 2008 春 于美国