Ten Ways Of Giving
文章来源: 林贝卡2012-06-23 08:25:20

Ten Ways Of Giving (Excerpt)
From 《Why Good Things Happen to Good People》
Author: Stephen Post & Jill Neimark

1. Gratitude: Keep daily gratitude journals, after just a few weeks, people find themselves feeling more upbeat about life, sleeping more deeply, feeling closer to others, and feeling generally happier about their lot in life.

2. Generativity: Nurturing others (generativity) results, for teens, in attaining higher social status later in life, being more spiritually inclined, and having warmer, happier family lives. Teens who are nurturing enjoy greater health benefits throughout their lifetimes than those who are not nurturing.

3. Forgiveness: According to a 2003 research study at the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Michigan, forgiving others is linked to well-being. Forgiveness is an anti-depressant, a mood enhancer, and an anger-reducer. It also lowers stress hormones and improves heart blood flow in cardiac patients.

4. Courage: According to a study by character educators William Damon and Anne Colby, both of Stanford University, leads people into joy, certainty, faith, and high standards.

5. Humor: Humor and laughter cause the body to release the feel-good natural chemicals of dopamine and endorphins and decrease the stress hormone cortisol.

6. Respect: Respect lubricates human relationships, building social trust and capital, which in turn reduce stress.

7. Compassion: A study in 2005 found that compassion significantly reduced depression and stress.

8. Loyalty: A lifetime commitment of loyalty was the main ingredient of a happy marriage, the health benefits of which have been well documented.

9. Listening: Research indicates that being listened to reduces the stress response in persons in pain. Empathic listening is, in the words of one doctor, “a powerful drug” that aids in healing.

10. Creativity: Creativity is linked to a healthy self-image, positive self-regard, and high social status.

Rebecca Lin 2012 Spring In USA