文章来源: 林贝卡2014-10-17 09:54:49



歌曲:偶然 作词:徐志摩
演唱:周深 李维

我是天空里的一片云, 偶尔投影在你的波心,


Chance by Xu Zhimo
Translated by Julia C. Lin

I am a patch of clouds in the skies
That chanced to cast its shadow in your heart waves.
You need not be startled, still less overjoyed.
The trace vanished in a wink of time.

We met in a dark night in the ocean.
You have your destination, I have mine;
It is fine if you remember. It is best that you forget.
The light that is brought forth by this encounter.

林贝卡 2014秋 于美国