在一个 The Word of Honor Reaction 频道底下的评论
文章来源: 虔谦2021-06-18 20:43:05

The Word of Honor 是《山河令》的英文名称。我的评论如下,大致是说我一开始看到那样的结局也挺犯忧郁的,但是后来重温了一点细节,又听其他人谈起,才意识到该剧的结尾其实说的点就是爱战胜死亡。因为如果两个相爱的人练六合心法,他们会互相救死扶伤。只是,我觉得温周二人的结局应该是一同生活在快乐的生活琐碎里,而不是不食人间烟火的冰山上。


I felt sort of depressed at the beginning. But later on I reviewed the previous details and realized that love finally defeat death in the drama and becomes its real ending. The only thing I think differently is that, the two should live in the real world, with real peaceful and happy life with all the joyful details live can offer, not on a ice boring mountain.

收藏另一个:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UCwnupqvB8?

stand by you:  The platonic way they stand 2 inches away from each other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v10BFLtzUoI?