The Look of Love ( 2 )
文章来源: longhair2008-08-03 14:00:24

I can hardly wait to hold you,

Feel my arms around you.

How long I have waited,

Waited just to love you,

Now that I have found you,

Don't ever go. (Diana Krall)


Knowing that dating site was because of YM; knowing YM was because of Wenxuecity. She once left a message on my blog that she is a single mom in Montreal with a little girl and maybe we can become friends. I added her to my MSN, and then we started to chat online, online only and became friends indeed.

One day, she was very happy and told me that she had met someone known from a dating site. He was the second man she met from that website, and he satisfied her completely. She continually encouraged me to register there as well.

One night after chatting with her, I went to visit that website. As always, there are some fields asking for the basic information, such as City, Sign, Height, Age, Ethnicity, Body Type, Religion,  Smoke or not, Want kids or not,  Man or Woman you are seeking to, What relationship is looking for, etc. Then come Interest and About You section.

Not sure energized by what, I was in such a good mood to open a profile immediately and found myself no difficulties to write the following directly there at once (God knows that I always feel headache to write those kind of self introduction).  I only did some minor editions afterwards.
Interest: Traveling, Photographing, Dancing, Writing and Sports

Nowadays, almost everyone might say that he/she likes to travel, likes to take pictures and likes whatever I have claimed as my interests above. However, when I said it, I really meant it. I haven't traveled to many countries, but most of those countries that I have ever been are very big. Therefore, in terms of area, I've been more than 1/3 of the global continents. My goal is to reach 1/2 and more; of course, 100% is only an unrealizable dream. :)

I like to write, most of time in my mother language, Chinese. I like to dance, but haven't danced for a long time, especially for those ballroom dances. I like lots of sports, e.g. badminton, bowling, bicycling, tennis, rock climbing, swimming, etc, however, unfortunately, due to the physical constrainers (not tall and strong), I'm not professional at any of them. :(

Moreover, I like to take pictures, not only using a nice camera, but also using my eyes and my heart. So my pictures show my values, attitude and style toward the world, people and life.

ohoh...I have said so much, but nothing about my personality yet. It's easy to put a lot of descriptive words here. But, I think, it might be better for you to figure out by yourself later on. Don't you think so? :))


出国前去了一趟西藏,悟了不少。待出到外面,发现了自己想要的生活,心里也越来越平静。后来有了小朋友,就更是安安心心地一个人过日子了。其实本身我就不是一个可以把找另一半当任务来完成的人,所以,一直都并没有真正去 ——找 —— 过。不过,以前虽然也是个很独立的人,精神和感情上却总是很渴求依赖,以歌儿的话说,就是总觉得自己是为爱而生。后来的领悟引来了我的放弃,放弃了心里对感情依赖的期盼,于是,心就安了。心安了,日子也就快乐起来;日子快乐起来,生活也就精彩起来。除了很偶然很偶然的时候,完全没有了一个人的失落。

很长一段时间,直到现在,我MSN的留言一直挂着这么一句话:If a woman lives for love, she will eventually lose it; if she lives for a life, she will eventually get what she wants most –love. 挂上去的时候只是为了鼓励自己,因为那时候我根本看不到我的爱会在哪里. 不过,就一直相信,他会在那里,就等我们可以相遇的那天。现在继续挂在那里,是为了鼓励朋友们,因为至少有一个活生生的例子验证了它。