文章来源: acme2007-08-13 10:39:25
熟悉Public Relation的人大概知道,一个企业都常年准备着一套危机公关的机制。一旦需要就某一问题表示意见,他们都有一套well crafted 回答,好处是能及时应对突发问题(而不是用“无可奉告”对付事儿),有备而“言”,不让外界抓住把柄。


所以我们应该在心理上准备好回答很多关于中国的问题,不管你是什么倾向,你都应该能对一些历史和时政的问题进行不卑不亢,intelligent的谈话。 你可以说你对中国的问题不在乎, 但是你清晰的思路,广泛的知识会使你的形象提升,间接对你的职场发展有好处。试想,你是否会对一个有思想,有立场的同事肃然起敬,会不会对一个“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”的同事不屑一顾?美国人一般不轻易谈政治, 但是一旦外国同事问到我们一些敏感问题, 我们措手不及, 轻则心里觉得郁闷, 重则影响同事关系, 同时不给我们自己的形象加分, 还让人觉得以后可以take advantage这个老实的中国人.

另外,我觉得eager to please, kissing ass的回答不会得到别的国家人的尊重。一个人要捍卫自己believe的东西(不管什么倾向,什么观点),才有魅力.

我常常被问到的话题 (及我个人观点) :

中国的计划生育政策你怎么看 (最多人问我这个) -- 我个人认为人口政策直接关系经济发展,各个responsible的国家都应该exam their own population growth policy and plan for our future.

西藏问题 -- Tibet is part of our country,just like California and Texas for US.

台湾问题 -- We speak same language, we share same culture. It is part of our country.

中国没有民主 -- I do agree Chinese political system lack of the flexibility a democratic society can offer. However, it also has its own merit in Chinese culture, which is highly collective and highly hierarchical. At this point, shift on the system will bring nothing but chaos.

现在这个Fisher Price 的recall 问题---After all, people are buying for Fisher Price brand, it can be manufactured in any country, the brand should be responsible for the quality control. I am very sorry to hear Fisher Price failed their customer on this. As for the product made in China, there are many good manufacturers as well as some bad ones, who charge less than primum price. I think when it comes to outsourcing, the in shore company should really consult with experts like me ;-) to make a better judgement.