文章来源: 苗青青2007-06-12 08:02:44

今天是挑战者号失事的纪念日, 想起来若干年前的一件小事, 和挑战者号失事有点儿小关系。

当年在政府工作, 有一次五四青年节,领导给我派了一个活儿,让我代表年轻的老同志,给全体青年团员讲话。 那时候的我干活十分认真,工作也得领导同事们肯定,在那个 200 多人的机关里,也算是无人不脸熟的年轻的老同志了, 其实主要还是因为我们司常和别的司有工作来往。
总之当时自我感觉良好,讲就讲呗。  说来惭愧,要是今天,可能找借口推辞了,因为心里越来越不确定,我有什么资格给人家夸夸其谈,光给人家说几句话又能解决什么问题, 这都是后话了。

当时我想了半天, 要给这群胸怀理想志向高远的北大人大法大的骄子们说些什么,他们将来在这个社会要面对的最大问题是什么。 最后, 我没有像他们的大姐姐一样,讲怎样适应机关工作,怎样学习新东西, 怎样与人打交道等等。

我对他们说, 青年人最重要的是要学会做好一颗螺丝钉。 每一颗螺丝价钉的价值都是独特的,政府就像一台大机器,上面的哪颗钉运转不灵,机器都会转不好, 甚至停下来。 为了说明小零件儿的重要性,我用了挑战者号的例子。 跟据报道,挑战者号航天飞机所以爆炸, 原因只是因为一个密封垫圈儿的材料有问题,造成燃料的泄漏而爆炸, 而造成的损失从生命到财产不可计数。

我还提到那个上海的修水管修马桶的徐虎,他的职业在一般人看来谈不上高尚, 但他每天都在解决老百姓生活中的难题,他的工作对他们来说有不可替代的价值。

当时那些年轻人,理想一个比一个更高, 恨不得十年以后都能当总理。 而我那时候觉得, 他们最需要的是做一颗螺丝钉的精神。 螺丝钉都做不了的,何谈当总理。

今天,我已经从政府的仆人 (civil servant) ,变成了很多国家的仆人 (international civil servant). 我们这些公仆们最需要的,仍然是这样的做好本职工作的耐心和志向。

克尽职守不一定就容易,有时可能很难,尤其在讲利益, 讲人情的东方环境里。 

假如每个人都克尽职守,照章办事, 那些排污超标的企业就不会被批准开张,也不会让我们宝贵的河流胡泊一天天变臭。



反过来,如果不克尽职守, 其后果也会极为可怕,如果审批管理药品食品不按规矩, 就会害命。 假如立法的过程只注重一些人的意见, 不考虑另一些人的意见, 法律可以变成一些人歧视另一些人的工具。

我们公仆们克尽职守就能做好的事情有很多,也能防止社会运转出大的毛病,如果它们不够重要, 还有什么比这更重要呢?

假如青年人不能做好这些小事,那后果远比做不好大事更可怕!  为了将来能担更多责任,他们首先必须当好一个螺丝钉,拧在哪里都不会生锈,松动。


政府官员的价值首先应是克尽职守, 而不是创造什么宏图大业,让自己名垂青史。 拿那些虚假的数字骗人的,哪能骗过历史老人公正的眼睛呢?


附文: The Loss of Challenger


The crew of the Challenger's final flight.

Main article: Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

Challenger was destroyed in the second minute of STS-51-L, the orbiter's tenth mission, on January 28, 1986, when an O-ring seal on its right solid rocket booster(SRB) failed. The O-rings failed primarily due to repeated over-compression during assembly. This failure allowed a plume of flame to leak out of the SRB and burn through the external fuel tank (ET). Liquid hydrogen spilled out of the ET and caught fire, severing the clamps holding the SRB in place. The SRB swung around wildly and slammed into Challenger's right wing. This caused the whole shuttle assembly to swerve off course and the supersonic airflow quickly tore Challenger apart. A subsequent investigation concluded that poor application of the SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) seals, unusually cold temperatures, repeatedly over-compressed O-rings during assembly, and lack of inspection were to blame for the disaster.

The engineering purpose behind the decision to use SBR instead of the previously used silicone rubber was strictly cost savings as a directive from NASA. The logic behind the change was that at the temperature of liquid hydrogen (−252.87 °C/−423.17 °F) or liquid oxygen (-183 °C/-297.3 °F), any gasket material would be frozen solid. The flaw in this thinking was that the compression set (rebound characteristics) of SBR allowed only for one compression while maintaining a seal. Any more compressions would require that the entire O-ring assembly be replaced to keep the joint sealed. Although this information was known, the tanks were taken apart and put together three times without replacing the SBR. The colder temperatures of the morning may have further impeded the already marginal seal. Silicone rubber gaskets, which had been used previously, have a better rebound after compression, even with the low temperatures, but had been deemed too expensive.