基督里的自由 四 真理的世界观
文章来源: 苗青青2008-05-26 02:43:29

Session 4


The World View of Truth


Focus Verse


Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.

罗马书 12 章 2 节 : 不要效法这个世界,只要心意更新而变化,叫你们查验何为神的善良,纯全,可喜悦的旨意。



To understand what Christians need to make a definite decision to turn away from believing what the world teaches and choose instead to believe what God says is true.

明白基督徒需要做一个明确的选择,离开世界所教的东西, 转向选择相信神所说的为真。

Focus Truth


The world we grew up in influenced us to look at life in a particular way and to see that way as “true”. However, if it doesn’t stack up with that God says is true, we need to reject it and bring our beliefs into line with what really is true.

我们成长的这个世界影响着我们以某一种特别的方式看待生命 , 并以这种方式为真理。 然而,如果这些世界观的总合与神所说的真理不符,我们需要拒绝它, 并使我们的信仰与真正的真理相符。



If you could go anywhere in the world, where could you choose?

Do you think that the way you look at the world and what you believe would be very different if you had been brought up in a different culture?





Suggested theme: God is truth. Psalm 31 1-5; John 4: 23-24; John 14:6-7.

建议的主题: 神即是真理, 见诗篇 31 章 1-5 节;约翰福音 4 章 23-24 节, 14 章 6-7 节


We All Have A “World View”


“A set of presuppositions or assumptions which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basis make-up of the world”

James Sire (The Universe Next Door, Downers Grove, III: InterVarsity, 1976, p.17)

Your world view acts like a filter.


詹姆士。塞尔(邻居的宇宙,宁静的园林 III : 1976, p7 )


Where Did Your World View Come From?


Past Experiences




Examples of Different Worldviews


1. Animism: A Non-Western Worldview

1 。泛灵论:非西方的世界观

Two sources of spiritual power: “mana”(neutral); good and evil spirits

Need an expert to manipulate spiritual power to your advantage



2. The Western Or “Modern” Worldview

2 西方或“现代”的世界观

Spiritual things are irrelevant to daily life.

Reality is defined only by what we can see, touch and measure.



3. The postmodern Worldview

3 .后现代世界观

“There are many kinds of eyes…, and consequently there are many kinds of ‘truth’, and consequently there is no truth.”

Friedrich Nietzsch ( 1844-1900)

There is no such thing as objective truth

Everyone has their own version of “truth”.

Each person’s “truth” is as valid as everyone else’s.

If you disagree with my “truth” or disapprove of my actions, you are rejecting me.


弗里德里希。尼采( 1844-1900 )





Pause for thought 1

思考问题 1

Are you beginning to see that you have grown up with a particular world view? How different would it be if you had grown up in another part of the world? Is your worldview more or less valid than that of someone who grew up in another part of the world? What measure would you use to judge whether someone’s worldview is accurate?

你有没有看到你是带着某种特别的世界观长大的? 如果你是在世界的另一个地方长大,会有多少不同? 你的世界观和在世界其他地方长大的人的世界观有效性更多还是更少?你用什么方法判断一个人的世界观真确与否?

The Biblical Worldview


Truth does exist

God is truth

Faith and logic are not incompatible




What happened when you die?

Hinduism teaches that when a soul dies it is reincarnated in another form.

Christianity teaches that souls spend eternity in either heaven or hell.

Atheists believe that we have no soul and that when we die our existence simply ends.

Postmodernism says that you can make up whatever you want to believe as long as you don’t hurt anyone else.

Logic says that we all have the same experience regardless of what we choose to believe before the actual event.

“In the biblical view, truth is that which is ultimately, finally and absolutely real, or ‘the way it is’, and therefore is utterly trustworthy and dependable, being grounded and anchored in God’s own reality and truthfulness.”

Os Guiness (Time For Truth, Baker Books, 2000, p.78)







“以圣经的观点, 真理就是最终,最后和绝对真实的东西, 或者就是‘本相’, 因此也是完全值得信任和依赖的, 因为那是以神自己的现实和真实为基础,为依托的”。

奥斯。吉尼斯(真理的时代, 贝克书局, 2000 , p78 ) .

Pause For Thought 2


When we stick up for truth, how can we do so without coming across as arrogant? If we disagree with someone’s beliefs or actions, does it mean that we are at the same time rejecting them as persons?

当我们坚持真理时,如何能够不让人感觉傲慢? 如果我们不同意某人的信仰或行为,是否意味着我们同时也拒绝他们个人?

Be aware of Mix ’n’ Match

意识到混合的思想与行为 ]

We say we believe the Bible, but are many of our decisions made on the basis of what we can afford rather than on what God is saying?

We say we believe in the power of prayer, but does the way we spend our time bear this out?

我们说我们相信圣经, 但我们很多决定是根据我们的承受力决定的,还是根据神的话决定的?

我们说我们相信祷告的力量, 但我们所花费的时间能证明这一点么?

Which of these describes why you are a Christian?

I believe because Christianity seems to work.

What I have experienced leads me to feel that Christianity is true

I believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God for all people everywhere at all times.

I have simply made a decision that Christianity is true for me.

“The Christian faith is not true because it works; it works because it is true… It is not simply ‘true for us’; it is true for any who seek in order to find, because truth is true even if nobody believes it and falsehood is false even if everybody believes it.”( Os Guinness, Time For Truth, Baker Books, 2000, pp.79-80)





我只是做了一个决定, 认为基督信仰对我来说是真理。

“基督信仰不是因为有效才是真理,它有效是因为它是真理。。。 它不仅仅‘对我们是真理’, 它对任何寻求它的人都是真理,因为真理即使没人相信也还是真理, 而谬误即使每个人都信仍是谬误”(奥斯。吉尼斯, 真理的时代, 贝克书局, 2000 , 79-80 页)。

“Don’t Let The World Squeeze You into its Mould”


Christian faith is “choosing to believe what God say is true” because we have made a decision that the biblical worldview is how things really are.

Repentance literally means a change of mind. When we repent we make a radical decision to renounce the lies of this world and choose “the way, the truth and the life”. For a Christian to do less is to be “ a double-minded man, unstable in all he does” (James 1:8).

基督信仰是“选择相信神所说的为真理 ” 因为我们已经做了一个决定, 圣经的世界观就是事物本来的真相。

忏悔字面上的含义是改变心意。 当我们忏悔时,我们做了根本性的决定放弃这个世界的谎言选择“道路,真理和生命”。基督徒如果做得少于这些就是“心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上都没有定见”(雅各书 1 章 8 节)。



How will understanding that we all grow up with a particular way of looking at the world help you as you talk to people who are not yet Christians? What will you say to those with a postmodern worldview who regard strong beliefs as a negative thing?

理解我们都是在某种看世界的具体方式中长大这个事实如何能够帮助你和非基督徒的谈话? 对于那些认为强烈的信仰为不利的持后现代世界观的人,你能说些什么?

Questions for Groups


1. Are you beginning to see that you have grown up with a particular world view? Which of the three views we looked at best corresponds to the one you grew up with?

2. How different would it be if you had grown up in another part of the world?

3. Is your worldview more or less valid than that of someone who grew up in another part of the world?

4. What measure would you use to judge whether someone’s worldview is true?

5. When we stick up for what we believe to be the truth, how can we do so without coming across as arrogant?

6. If we disagree with someone’s beliefs or actions, does it mean that we are at the same time rejecting then as a person?

1. 你是否已经开始理解, 你是在某种具体的世界观中长大的? 我们谈到过的三种世界观中的哪一种最类似于你成长的环境?

2. 如果你在世界的另一地方长大,情况会有多少不同?

3. 你的世界观比起在世界另一地的人来说有更多还是更少的效果?

4. 你用什么办法来判断某人的世界观是否为真理?

5. 当我们坚持我们信为真理的东西,如何能使人不认为我们骄傲?

6 。 如果我们不赞同某人的信仰或行为,是否意味着我们同时也拒绝了这个人本身?

To take away


Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:


Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth and to reveal to your mind the lies you have believed as a result of having been brought up with a non-biblical worldview.


Big Questions (to consider before the next session):


If we share God’s nature and we are saints, why do you think it is that we still feel such a pull to ways of thinking and behaving that go against God’s best?

如果我们享有神的本性并且我们是圣人, 你认为为何事实是我们仍然感觉到这样大的拉力让我们的思想和行为与上帝最喜悦的相反?



