清光,吃光 (多图)
文章来源: 五味七色2006-09-01 14:15:20
清光,吃光 (多图) 明天去买菜,这一两天就顾不得搭配,有什么吃什么。一直忘记向大家介绍以下两种吃的,味道是超级的好,家里可以常备,有朋友来时没有时间再去买菜可以充数,一是大家会喜欢,二是可以冰冻储存:鸡腿及鸡翅,各种口味的,这是外包装5磅装Costco有售: Image and video hosting by TinyPic 从冰冻取出,烤箱400’F 15 min.这个味道我喜欢,超好吃: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
还有一个“肠” ,外包装没有留下,最近会去Costco, 我会补上,味道也是好得不得了,自己作不出来的: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
以上两种食物适合所有人,因为它有各种味道可以选择。下面是家里有什么吃什么:煎大里脊: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
雪菜黄鱼这是LG喜 欢的:将黄鱼清理干净,油煎两面,倒掉油,加入姜葱及洗干净的雪菜,加适量水焖,基本上不必加盐了: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
 还有菜花炒上面提到过的肠(好像是意大利生产的) : Image and video hosting by TinyPic
肉丝白菜香菇炒年糕,这是我爱吃的: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
饭后甜品有杏仁布丁,芒果布丁及 ice cream 水果: Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic 最后照例上个大菊花: Image and video hosting by TinyPic 祝大家天天开心!