China 2007 (6) - Beijing VI (重返母校, 奥运场馆)
文章来源: xux2007-12-16 11:47:33

Day 6
Knowing that I like to eat Chao Gan, my friend Fu told me there is a Qing Feng Bao Zi Restaurant near my home now. Both their Chao Gan and Bao Zi are very good. So we went there for breakfast first thing in the morning.

1. Qing Feng Bao Zi Restaurant near Panjiayuan Antique Market.

2. Menu. Pork Bao Zi costs 2.7 RMB for three. Chao Gan costs 3.5 RMB/bowl.

3. Bao Zi. Beijing people likes to eat Chao Gan with Bao Zi together for breakfast (see my last episode for Chao Gan picture). A typical breakfast of one bowl of Chao Gan with six pork Bao Zi costs 8.9 RMB here. That is $1.25.

After breakfast, we strolled through my old college campus. It has changed so much! The campus is 4+ times bigger than what I remembered, with many new buildings. The one building we came to see in particular is the new gymnasium, which will host Beijing 2008 Olympic Badminton and Rhythmic Gymnastics events. The building was almost done, just need a few more touches.

4. The new university gymnasium.

5. Still needs to add the lights on?

6. Beijing 2008 Olympics logo.

7. Beijing welcomes you.

8. New student dorm.

9. My old dorm.

10. Even the hot water place has changed. This is what it used to be. Students come here daily to get hot water for drinking, washing etc.

11. This is now. In order to control water usage, a water meter is installed on every faucet. The university gives each student a water debit card every semester so they can still use the water freely. But non students have to pay based on the volume used.

12. The road in front of the university's west entrance. This used to be a 2-lane road for everything, cars, bikes, pedestrians. Now it is 8-lane for cars, 2-lane for bikes and taxis drop off on each side, plus sidewalks for pedestrians. The 6-story red brick building on the left is where my parents live. From there north, there used to be no building in sight that was taller than 2-story high. Look at it now.

(To be continued)