Iceland (8) - To Reykjavik
文章来源: xux2009-09-20 14:01:35


Day 8
Today was the first day in our 10-day Iceland trip that we didn't have any rain at all. Day 9 was the second day, and that was it. Weather wise, this is the rainiest vacation we have had in recent years.

We left Ólafsvík after 8:00 am and took our time to drive to Reykjavik, where we were gonna stay for the next two nights.

1. Snæfellsjökull, made famous by the novel "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" (1864) by Jules Verne.

2. Snæfellsjökull.

3. Malarrif lighthouse.

4. Lóndrangar, two pillar rocks by the sea, next to the lighthouse above.

5. The little church at Hellnar.

6. There's a nice hiking trail along the coast at Hellnar. This is near the start of the trail.

7. The trail.

8. A nice little house by the trail.

9. Near the end of the trail.

10. Near the end of the trail.


11. The rock arch at Arnarstapi.

12. A stone sculpture at Arnarstapi. It represents Bárður Snæfellsás, a half-human, half-giant saga hero and local guardian spirit.

13. The black church at Búðir.

We approached Reykjavik around 4:30 pm, and experienced bumper to bumper traffic from miles  away on the Ring Road. I couldn't believe a city this size could have traffic this bad. We managed to find our hotel after an hour and a few extra U-turns. From there, driving to downtown was easy and parking was free after 6:00 pm (Monday - Friday).

14. Höfði House by the harbor, where Reagan and Gorbachev had the Reykjavik Summit in 1986.

15. Sólfar (Sun Voyager) by the harbor.

16. Wandering around downtown Reykjavik.

17. Catholic Cathedral.

18. Wandering around downtown Reykjavik.

19. Wandering around downtown Reykjavik.

20. Unfortunately the Hallgrims Church was under repair.

(To be continued)