Canadian Rockies (7) - The End
文章来源: xux2014-10-07 17:55:49

Today was our last day. It was cloudy at first, but soon sun came out, and we had another beautiful day. It took us all day to drive back to Calgary, including a long stop at Moraine Lake.

1. Athabasca River outside Jasper.

2. Athabasca River outside Jasper.

3. Elk, elk, and more elk.








11. We were stopped on Icefield Parkway due to construction. A herd of big horn sheep came over.

12. But as soon as they saw the husky look-alike dog stood behind us (belong to the guy who parked in front of us, we were chatting with him), they scattered and ran up the hill immediately like it was a wolf! The dog was well trained. It sensed the sheep before the sheep saw it, yet it made no sound or any movement except its ears perked up. It was kind of funny to see the sheep's reaction to the dog.

13. Stopped by Columbia Icefield Visitor Center.

14. Stopped by Columbia Icefield Visitor Center.

15. Stopped by Columbia Icefield Visitor Center.




19. Moraine Lake.

20. Moraine Lake.

21. Moraine Lake.

22. Moraine Lake.


(The End)

- $1 was about 1.1 CAD in Sep 2014.

- Except the shelter at Lake O'Hara only accepted cash, everywhere else took credit card, so there was no need to carry much cash.

- Jasper hotels were almost sold out when I booked, but when I arrived, I saw a bunch of vacancy signs. It turned out some of them didn't put all their rooms online. They left some rooms for old fashioned phone call bookings.