Even Teachers can make mistakes
文章来源: 黑黑黑黑2010-10-12 21:08:52


Date: 10/6/10

Whoosh!!! A cold gust of wind blew against my legs. They made me almost trip.

Now I’m at home. Wow! It happened! My tooth is going to fall down. Hurry! I feel it now… oww…oww! Man, it’s big all right. My mom says I can’t touch it with my tongue because it will grow side ways. But I can’t stop myself.

老师朱笔批曰:What a detailed moment from the life of you. Thank you.

I love your first sentence but I’m also confused by it. Does the wind have anything to do with your tooth?

8黑墨笔答曰:Even some teachers can make mistakes. You have to look, see, concentrate. Here is the mistake: the wind blew my tooth off (whole process in mirror).


周六一抱着“一诺千金”的悲壮情怀,七点就从家出发去Rockefeller Center8黑那thirty-six-year-old-friend去溜冰也。人家果真贲耐丝,等于当了两个小时的baby sitter。再赶回来参加Daniel的生日爬梯,我在最后一刻改变了主意决定在家赶唱《梨花香》。回来后2黑汇报:前景说你给儿子剪的头像陈真!


