8黑的wish list出炉了
文章来源: 黑黑黑黑2010-12-22 18:57:08




1. Water Guns (2)

2. New Little Wallet (Blue)

3. An Airplane (Toy)

4. A Box of Pokemon

5. A Pack of Yu-gi-Oh!

6. 5 Bakugans

7. D.S (Nintendo)

8. Small Computer (Real, but small)

9. A Satellite Dish (Real, but small)

10. Some Chips (For D.S)


How many do YOU think I should get?


点头而去,对纸发了一会儿呆,突然道:I'll make it only one!!

Goooood boy! 这不叫识时务者,啥叫?

再次呈阅,1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10九大项尽数划去,唯2 New Little Wallet独存,不过后面的括号里除了原先的blue,还多了几个字:

with a credit card in it.