端午节快乐!咸肉粽 Bak Zhang
文章来源: 盈_盈2016-06-10 13:53:25
Mum Used to make Nyonya dumplings and Bak Zhang (Meat Dumpling) during the dragon boat festival back home.
I have always enjoyed Bak zhang more than the nyonya version, though mum got her fame of good dumplings maker mostly from her nyonya dumplings.
I have never tried my hands on dumpling making as it was just way too troublesome and require precision and skills.

Note: The original post was written in September 2009, updated with new photographs.
1 磅 长糯米
1/2 tsp 味精或鸡精
1/2杯 油
1 小勺 黑酱油 Thick Caramelized Soy sauce
1 小勺食盐 (另 2 小勺食盐煮粽子用
1/2 杯 红葱酥 或  1 杯的 小红葱切片 
30 张 粽叶 
1/2 杯 眉豆 (泡开) 可无
1 磅 五花肉 
10-15 只 香菇 
1 大勺 料酒 
1 大勺 酱油
1/4 小勺 五香粉 
1/4 小勺 胡椒粉 
1 小勺盐
Ingredients:(Makes 12-15 dumplings)
1 lb Glutinous Rice
1/2 tsp Chicken Stock powder or MSG
1/2 cup Oil
1 tsp Thick Caramel Soy sauce/Dark Soy Sauce
1 tsp salt  Plus 2 tsp for boiling dumplings
1/2 cup fried shallot OR 1 cup sliced shallot 
30 Dumpling/bamboo leaves 
Cotton robe
1 lb Pork Belly 
10-15 Medium size dried Mushrooms 
1 tbsp Cooking wine 
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1/4 tsp Chinese five spice powder 
1/4 tsp Pepper 
1 tsp Salt
1/2 cup blacked eye peas (soaked)   Optional
1. 粽叶用温水泡一个晚上,用一块布两面擦洗后把头尾剪去。
Soaked the Bamboo leaves over night using warm water,wash it clean, trim both the ends .
2. 第二天,把材料都准备好,糯米和香菇洗净泡水一个小时,猪肉切麻将大。
The next day, prepared all the ingredients, soaked glutinous rice and dried mushrooms for an hour, cut the pork belly into 2 cm x 4 cm size .
3. 先在锅里倒入1/2 杯的油,倒入葱酥/红葱片,熬至变黄色/酥。捞出2/3的葱酥和油,倒入洗净沥干的糯米里,加入黑酱油,盐和鸡精拌匀。
In a wok, heat up about 1/2 cup of cooking oil, add the fried shallot/sliced shallot, fry until golden brown/crisp, take out about 2/3 of the shallots and oil, add it to the washed and drained glutinous rice, add 黑酱油 Thick Caramelized Soy sauce,salt and chicken stock powder/msg, mix well.
Note:Add the black eye peas in the rice too, if used.
4. 用锅里剩下的1/3葱油炒香菇和肉,翻炒至肉块变色后加入米酒,再继续翻炒大约5分钟。加入五香粉、黑酱油,酱油和盐,起锅之前倒入胡椒粉,拌匀就可以了。
With the remaining 1/3 oil and shallots in the wok, stir in mushrooms and pork, cook till the colour of pork changes, sprinkle with the cooking wine and cook for another 5 minutes, seasoned with five spice powder, thick caramel soy sauce, light soy sauce and salt. Add a pinch of pepper powder before taking it out.
5. 可以准备裹粽子了喔!我是根据以前在家里看妈妈裹粽子的印象和妈妈昨天在电话里形容的方式裹的喔!
Now it's time to wrap the dumpling! I made with whatever little knowledge I had by seeing mum wrapping over the years, and her explanation over the phone.
My very first dumpling! And very first bunch!
6. 煮好一大锅水,加入1大勺的食盐,把粽子加入,加盖中火煮2个小时。
Bring a big pot of water to boil with 1 tbsp of salt in it,place dumplings and cook for 2 hours on medium heat. Take it out and drain, serve warm.
The taste of home! It does taste like mom's dumplings!