文章来源: laoyangdelp2012-11-15 12:50:32

When you have “won” the retirement investing game, why do you keep playing it?

怎么算赢?before you retire, you should have saved 20-25 times the amount of your “residual expenses.”  Residual expenses are measured by the difference between what you will spend each year in retirement and what your guaranteed retirement income (Social Security, pension, and annuity benefits) will provide.

比如说你退休后需要每年8万。俩口子的社保金每年4万,那你的residual expenses is $40,000。40000 X 25 = 1百万。如果你已经有了100万的储蓄,那么就该退出股市战场了。

退出股市的钱干什么呢?也不能压在床垫下睡觉啊,那样的话,通货膨胀会很快的吃掉你的储蓄。William Bernstein, the investing guru says: put money in short term bonds and CD’s. If there is an inflationary shock, interest rates on short duration financial instruments will rise so you can quickly move in to them. Owning TIPS will also help.

