Garden Diary 2008 Summer(1) 菜园篇 Vegetable garden
文章来源: OregonRain2008-07-13 22:46:24


我家的草莓地。Here is my strawberry field.

第二就是豌豆了。今年的收获很不错。当然吃不完,剩下的冷冻了。Peas are going very strong. We have harvested few times. We cooked some and froze some. They are tender and delicious.

这是两道菜用我家的豌豆做的。Here are couple dishes I made at home.
Prosciutto Perciatelli with Asiago cheese (意大利火腿通心粉和Asiago芝士)

Shrimp Scampy with Perciatelli (意大利通心粉蒜烹大虾)

This is my favorite Spanish Lavender. Daisy is blooming inside the Lavender. I don't mind.........

玉米长得还不错,不过收获还早呐. This is my corn field. They are growning strong. But still far from harvesting.

Pole beans are clambing and doing well. For some reasons, onion is not doing well. They are blooming now. I have asked professional gardeners about this. They said they had same issues this year. Maybe something wrong with the onion bulbs. Oh well, that's ok. I'll try next year again. No big deal.

In below picture, there are some cuccumbers, egg plants on the left, next to them are peppers, Beets and soy beans on the right. I planted cuccumber three times this year. First two times were not susccessfull at all. The third time is charm as what they say. Now they are still kind of short. We have been harvesting beets. Grill beets salad is so delicious!

This is my squash land. I have summer squash and winter squash, 27 plants total.


这是奶油南瓜。爬得很远了。。。。。。Here is the butternut squash. It is trying to set fruits.

Next to the squash land, it is my potato field. I have 4 rows and over 60 plants.

我忘记了,Squash地和土豆中间还有一垄矮芸豆和一垄(8棵)西红柿 (Heirloom)。Oh, I forgot, there are 1 row of heirloom tomatoes (8 plants) and 1 row of bush bean in between my squash land and potato field.

菜园篇先到这,谢收看,请看下集. Stay tuned for next.