Frittata, Hawaii Spam Musubi, Lamb Loin Chop Dinner
文章来源: suezi-q2008-06-03 18:04:20
又 "折腾"了一天吃的

这是星期天的吃的, 没时间编成贴, 我找中文字好慢, 有时还找不到就用白字,今天偷懒还多用了英文, 也不是英文好,只是在键盘上看得到, 对不起!

Sunday breakfast- Frittata

Onion, celery, bell pepper- chopped
Potato – thinly sliced
Bacon, sausage (hot smoked Cajun style sausage) - sliced
Eggs – beaten
Parsley – chopped, save some for garnish
Parmesan cheese and mozzarella cheese – shredded
Salt and pepper

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Use an oven proof non-stick skillet, cook bacon until the fat is rendered, add sausage, and cook until brown, add onion, bell pepper, celery, cook until soft, add eggs and parsley.

Let the eggs set a little at the bottom, shake some parmesan cheese and spread mozzarella cheese, transfer to 350F oven bake until top is brown.

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Lunch - Hawaii Spam Musubi

看大妈猪的夏威夷寿司, 勾起一些美好的回忆, 好谗, 一直想买模子, 没找到, 就用一个原装合子, 故意买一个小号的.

好吃, 谢大妈猪!

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Spam coat with teriyaki sauce and pan fry both sides,

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Rice mix with sushi seasoning

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Add some more teriyaki sauce and balsamic vinegar to the warm pan to make the dressing for the tomatoes.

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小羊排晚饭 - Lamb Loin Chop Dinner

羊排撒上干香料, 上次烤羊肉串时做的: mixture of cayenne pepper, black pepper, coriander powder, cumin powder, garlic powder, salt

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Heat grill pan very hot and brush with oil, and place chops 3 minute per side for median-rare. Rest the meat for 5 minute and enjoy.

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Tomato and Mozzarella cheese salad:

Tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, basil leaves, caper, anchovy, hot pepper flakes, black pepper, salt, olive oil and lemon zest, lemon juice.

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Spicy Italian sausage pasta – 以前上过这个sauce的pasta, 就不多说了.

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好了, 吃吧!

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