文章来源: suezi-q2008-07-10 21:49:11

女儿国庆节到是开了个party, 她交代我只要带她去Costco 买东西, 其他都不要我帮忙, 她和她的朋友们自己动手.

她请了四位她的最要好朋友来家里, sleepover, 有两位小姐一早就来了, 中午她们还去了一家越南餐馆吃饭, 去逛了店, 游了泳, 下午好象在厨房里忙碌着,



填料, 面包, 抹酱:

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她们还做了头抬, deviled egg,

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零食,Chips and dried cranberries:

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饮料, 沙拉,

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她们一直闹到深夜 2:00 才睡了.

第二天我给她们做了新鲜面包, Frittata 早餐:

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我们大人也简单的另搞了吃的, 另起了一桌, 不跟她们抢, 我们是吃 beef fajita:

- flank steak marinated overnight with teriyaki sauce and cumin, garlic, chili powder

- grilled sweet Walla Walla onion, and bell peppers, hot sauce we brought over from Cancun, Mexico.

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这个是一个 wok burner made by Fire Magic, it has 60,000 BTU.

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