意大利腊肠合子 - Sausage pepper calzone
文章来源: suezi-q2010-01-22 21:43:49

意大利腊肠合子 - Sausage pepper calzone

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意大利甜腊肠, sweet sausage
干辣椒抹, 小茴香,
甜洋葱, 红甜椒, 蒜, 切丝,
奶酪, yellow cheddar and aged cheddar cheese

Pizza dough made by bread machine:

面包机发面材料如下: (发好的面团分成四份)

1 cup water, warm
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 cups Bread Flour
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons active dry yeast

Place all of the ingredients into the pan of your bread machine. Select course for Dough and press Start. 我的面包机是会三次rise.


1, 腊肠切片, 炒出油, 加干辣椒抹, 小茴香, 炒金黄,备用.
2, 为了省时间同时用了另个锅, 用橄榄油炒洋葱, 红甜椒, 蒜, 炒软,取出,
3, 加橄榄油, 炒白磨菇,炒金黄, 加入 1 & 2,拌匀, 加盐,胡椒调味.

用面皮包好馅和奶酪, 刷点橄榄油, 烤箱连石板一起预热450F, 烤10分钟, 再减低温度到400F再烤10分钟, 就好了.

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剩的馅第二天早上做了鸡蛋合子, omelet,

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中午又做了烙饼, panini

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