No Country for Old Men 观后感
文章来源: 我稀饭捣乱2008-02-28 15:53:18
The best American film relies on a limited number of simple ingredients just like the classic French cooking. There are always too many weak, bad men and too few strong, good ones. And too much temptation with too little wisdom.

No Country for Old Men is an Academy Award-winning 2007 film written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen and was adopted from Cormac McCarthy’s novel of the same name. The film’s focus shifts between three men, but initially lingers most often on Llewelyn Moss, a welder and Vietnam veteran who happens upon a botched drug deal while hunting antelope and later found himself trapped into Chigurh (The Killer)'s cat-and-mouse game.

No Country for Old Men is a very good film and a simple tale of the good verses evil beyond the idea of fate and unpredictability.

The three main characters symbolize the different time period or rather the three different generations. Sheriff Tom Bell is from a time and belief when you blindly obey the rules because they are the rules. Llewelyn Moss is the typical man trying to make decisions with his conscience but falling into the trap of the temptations. Chigurh is the ‘evil’, or rather the new generation of people that the Sheriff describes in his opening monologue, the people with no moral convictions even though they knew they were convicting crimes but would careless. In the end, Sheriff Bell found himself in this "the dismal tide," and there’s no way to push it back.

Like Mr. Roger Ebert said “This movie is a masterful evocation of time, place, character, moral choices, immoral certainties, human nature and fate.”

No Country for Old Men, definitely a must see film of the year.