文章来源: 蓝调2022-01-20 21:31:12


Praise Nature with Pen and Paper, National Treasure Level Botanist


This December, Zeng Xiaolian Art Museum opened in Kunming. At the age of 82, Zeng is praised as China’s Top Botanic Painter. He was born in Weixin, Yunnan in 1938. He has been living in Yunnan since then and doing one thing, which is painting the nature. Over the two decades since his retirement, he created numerous wonderful drawings of flowers and birds, which are both accurate depictions of the nature and tributes to beauty and life.


今年12月,在昆明99年世博園舊址,曾孝濂美術館開館。 曾孝濂今年82歲了,被讚「中國植物畫第一人」。1939年出生在雲南威信,一輩子在雲南,只做一件事:為自然萬物畫像。退休至今的20多年,他把積攢多年的生物繪畫主題一一實現,畫花畫鳥,「是大自然的精準寫照,也是對美與生命的崇高禮讚。」