Movie Stuff
文章来源: chic2006-01-16 16:22:54

So last2 weekend I went to see the new Woody Ellen movie Match Point. It was a smart movie – it’s about luck vs. fate. And here I quote (loosely): hard work is mandatory but it’s luck that determines our fate. And according to the movie, we don’t really like to entertain this concept because it just emphasizes how much of our life is beyond our control.


I think I’m the biggest Anglophile that I ever know. And that may explain why I enjoyed this movie. The actor who plays the main character is the guy who also played the football coach in ‘Bend it like Beckham’. He’s pretty - you can’t say he’s handsome because he’s too feminine for that - in a disturbing way. He’s Irish too. Something about Irish – hmmmm. (He also played a bit character in Alexander.)



So the other day I was talking to a person. And that person asked me what kind of movie I like. I said I don’t know. I actually struggled a little bit trying to figure out for myself what I like. It’s not necessarily a genre. In the end I said it has to be something different. Something that has a character. (Blah, isn’t it?)


Btw, if you like watching movies/television, go get Netflix. It’s a god-send. I’m totally addicted. It has all kinds of foreign movies. Very up-to-date Chinese-language movies too. I’m currently doing my Hayao Miyazaki series – I finished the Valley of the Wind yesterday. I think Miyazaki is obsessed with flying.