文章来源: 法国薰衣草2011-06-16 15:14:05
每年夏季六月份音乐厅的这一年季度的音乐会接近尾声, 伦敦热浪也快来临,什么热浪不热浪,伦敦能热到哪去, 热也就是比平常热一点, 但伦敦的音乐热浪却汹涌澎湃, 7月中旬到九月初是BBC夏季逍遥音乐会,BBCproms, 邀请世界著名乐团指挥,独奏家,室内乐, 电影音乐,甚至还有文学方面的,曾经为了去BBCproms last night 在外排队一天等票,排一天的队,一点也不痛苦, 相反跟来自世界各地的乐迷聊天, 最后进场音乐响起时那种滋味终身难忘

BBC proms 开始之前伦敦让歌剧走向街头, 在Trafalgar 广场现场直播就几步路之远的皇家歌剧院上演的歌剧, 将会有歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》, 《灰姑娘》, 到时可能会带孩子去广场边picnic边看歌剧, 让她们感受一下普西尼和Massenet的歌剧, 我不想让孩子看歌剧蝴蝶夫人的最后, 太惨, 看一点就回家,第二天还要上学的。

这也好像我们家乡啊,夏天时晚上出去逛街还有地方剧爱好者在街头表演,上次回去就是, 唱歌的是男的化妆很浓,还赤膊上阵的,我问我哥,怎么回事啊,起初我还以为就是打架吵架呢,夏天热人火气大,会有可能,我哥说,没有,那是在唱戏,可能那些中的人在想不通

歌剧起源于意大利,他们说话吵架听起来和歌剧差不多, 本来歌剧,戏剧都是来自民间,远离民众就失去味道了, 让歌剧戏剧走向街头,走向民众, 本来人生不就是个大舞台吗

The Royal Opera House has a legendary reputation for its outstanding interpretations of opera and ballet
We have supported The Royal Opera House since the 1980s, focussing now on the BP Summer Big Screens. These live relays from the Royal Opera House's auditorium to giant screens across the UK, enable thousands of people to enjoy world class opera and ballet for free.
Tony Hall, chief executive of the Royal Opera House: ‘The BP Summer Big Screens are one of the highlights of the Royal Opera House’s Summer Season. Live screenings of Royal Ballet and Royal Opera performances are relayed direct from the main auditorium to huge screens in London and around the country.'
Monica Mason, director of The Royal Ballet, has experienced just what it's like to be a member of a BP Summer Big Screens audience: 'The atmosphere in Trafalgar Square is exceptional. I have talked to people in the audience who have just wandered by and, never having seen a ballet before, are entranced by what they are watching.'

The BP Summer Big Screens 2011

The 2011 season features Manon from The Royal Ballet as well as Madama Butterfly and Cendrillon from The Royal Opera.
1 June
Kenneth MacMillan’s twentieth century ballet masterpiece follows the all-consuming affair of a student, Des Grieux, with the beautiful Manon Lescaut. It’s a story of passion, lechery, violence, devotion and tragedy.
Madama Butterfly
4 July
Puccini’s opera, Madama Butterfly, tells a contemporary tale of culture clash when a Lieutenant in the US Navy, Pinkerton, decides to marry a Japanese geisha but then callously abandons her. The devastating impact of Pinkerton’s behaviour is played out in music influenced by authentic Japanese sources, amplified with Puccini’s Italian passion.
13 July
The opera, Cendrillon, was written at the height of Massenet’s career. Working with fairy-tale material, he produced a score that combines delicacy and humour with romance and sheer magic. The story is based on Perrault’s original French source, which would later become the popular ballet Cinderella by Prokofiev.
To keep up-to-date with venues, either bookmark this page or the link in the right hand panel. And remember to bring a picnic, bring your friends and family and enjoy the world’s best opera and ballet absolutely free!