炒股辨证法: 物极必反。 my entry or exit point.
文章来源: 美西游子2010-02-10 11:21:44

今天,先从TA的角度谈谈. 以后有空儿,再胡侃 FA.

look for extreme。 what is EXTREME?  overbought(greedy)/oversold(panic) scenario.  展开地说,


就形式来说, 事不过三。 action is a must when mkt is up/down AT LEAST more than 3 days IN A ROW. yes, 这里,要强调的是, CONSECUTIVELY!

从内容上讲, 短期(一周内) 跌/涨幅 must be over 5%. 

铁律:if mkt is up/down for more than 200 points in a single trading day, action must be taken at that moment. 


of course, all time high/low should be reference to build long term SHORT/LONG positions.


歇着, 如果非第一或第二.

听起来, 俺像投机者. 可是, 投资讲究机会不是? 长期投资不等于捂着holding不放. here comes 第四.


ladder is the key, especially for LT invester. 阶梯进,阶梯出. DCA.  take profit to reward yourself.  Keep in mind "average up" is better than "average down". 

总之,客观炒股,辨证投资。  分散投资, 定期重组, 切忌贪婪。 别让你的钱睡着了! 与钱共舞,坐拥利润。 "Dancing with money,  Sleep with profit!!"

