文章来源: 南山松2008-07-26 09:51:01


国内给的产假真长, 我生完孩子, 单位给了六个月的产假. 不知其他国家有没有比这假更长的了. 当然, 虽说六个月不短了, 但在当时还是希望产假越长越好. 刚当妈妈, 给多少时间去陪小儿都不会觉得多. 小儿过了半岁后, 我就又回单位上班了, 小儿就由我妈照看. 我妈那时每到春天就有一点花粉过敏. 在静静的屋内, 小儿和我妈在床上玩耍, 我妈冷不丁的打了一个喷嚏, 小儿吓得大哭. 弄得我妈忙着去哄. 后来, 我妈的喷嚏越来越多, 小儿就不会再哭了, 而是仔细地看着他姥姥打喷嚏. 再后来, 我妈打一个喷嚏, 小儿就马上打一个假的喷嚏, 他学得惟妙惟肖的, 逗得我们哈哈大笑. 小孩子的模仿能力真是太强了.

我读了小屁涵写宝贝女儿的故事, 忍不住想起小儿小时的趣事, 乘着还没忘, 赶快写下以备日后翻阅.



Broken Glass 

Lily threw the baseball,

And Alex tried to hit it.

But her grip slipped on the bat,

So poor old Alex missed it. 

Lily threw a second time,

Alex was clutching the bat.

The ball came and Alex swung,

And she hit it with a crack. 

The ball could've gone at least a mile,

It could've flown as swift as a crow.

It could've broke a world record,

But instead it broke somebody's window.