文章来源: chinomango2021-01-26 11:16:02


After-tax contributions to your workplace plan can be withdrawn without taxes or penalties. Any earnings on those after-tax contributions are considered pre-tax balances—so taxes would have to be paid on withdrawals of the earnings (unless they are rolled over to an IRA) and there may be a 10% penalty if you're under age 59½.

What you should know is that you won't be able to withdraw your after-tax contributions without also withdrawing any earnings associated with them. Taking out just the after-tax balance would not be allowed.

Let's say you made $10,000 in after-tax contributions and that money earned $2,000 in returns. In order to withdraw the $10,000, the $2,000 in earnings would need to be withdrawn as well. And that applies if you are converting the after-tax balance as well.




1)当您将税后余额转换为Roth时,仍然是本金无需缴税,收益转换为公司储蓄计划中的Roth选项或Roth IRA需要缴税。因此,您可能希望将这些收入转入传统的IRA。该策略将在下面详细介绍。

Important note: Any partial withdrawals or in-plan conversions may affect eligibility for net unrealized appreciation treatment on appreciated employer stock held in the plan.

It's advisable to consult with a financial advisor before making any decisions.

To find out more, read Viewpoints on Fidelity.com: Rolling after-tax money in a 401(k) to a Roth IRA


老化5年的要求意味着从您的罗斯第一笔供款之年或进行转换的那一年到提款之间至少有5年。 5年时钟从转换发生或进行贡献的年份的1月1日开始,无论该年份实际发生在何时。因此,如果您在12月进行了转换,则实际上,老化要求可能仅超过4年。

有些雇主提供了计划内自动转换功能。 您可以对其进行设置,以使所有税后供款都定期自动转换为罗斯。转化时本金无需再次征税,但收益部分将在转换当年征税。

3)并非所有的雇主都在其401K计划中提供罗斯期权Roth option,或者他们不提供计划内转换。如果您的雇主未提供罗斯期权或计划内转换功能,您仍可以将税后供款结转到罗斯IRA。或者在计划内转换后,您打算在某个时候将资金分配给罗斯IRA,而又不向罗斯IRA供款,那么可能的话,开设一个账户并至少进行一次供款可能是有意义的,因此,这5年时钟开始在此帐户上计时。 Roth IRA也有5年的账龄要求-如果您从未向Roth IRA捐款,并从Roth 401(k)存入资金,则另外5年的时钟将在该年度的1月开始。 如果您赚得太多,无法为罗斯IRA捐款,那么您确实可以选择。在Fidelity.com上阅读观点:您是否可以从罗斯IRA获得太多收入?


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