The Road Less Traveled
文章来源: 走马读人2011-10-21 17:05:09

垃圾箱信袋  有进有出要分开  人群里面无宝座  掐死你也不明白 : )

5 English words T

判刑得了闭尿症 退休权利反过来 回嘴转身受折磨 扑向冤家别妨碍 8 E.words


The Road Less Traveled




兰登书屋,拒绝了他,西蒙与舒斯特出版5000册。该书起飞后,才啄打巡回演讲,并亲自寻求评论的重点出版物。后来再版平装做畅销书排行榜在1984年 - 六年之后1notion of discipline, emotional, spiritual, and psychological health, "the means of spiritual evolution". delay gratification, accepting responsibility ,a dedication to truth,  "balancing" refers to the problem of reconciling multiple, complex, possibly conflicting factors that impact on an important decisio
2. nature of love, 
"true" love is rather an action that one undertakes consciously in order to extend one's ego boundaries by including others or humanity, and is therefore the spiritual nurturing—.

3 religion, several patient case histories, and the evolution of the patients' notion of God, religion, atheism—
4 "grace", the powerful force originating outside human consciousness that nurtures spiritual growth in human beings. the miracles of health, the unconscious, and serendipity—phenomena which :
nurture human life and spiritual growth,
are incompletely understood by scientific thinking,
are commonplace among humanity,
originate outside the conscious human will.

"the miracles described indicate that our growth as human beings is being assisted by a force other than our conscious will"

Random House, turned him down,Simon & Schuster published  5,000 copies. The book took off only after Peck hit the lecture circuit and personally sought reviews in key publications. Later reprinted in paperback made best-seller lists in 1984 – six years after